im alicia...what a pleasure to be in your company!! - 12/08/00 21:42:36 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie?: a fortune cookie kind of gal Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: eyes are lazy....i just go to sites and sign gestbooks...yep..thats me... What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): NEWSIES...yep...i whatch it at least once a no i dont...once a month...ok ya got me there.... Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: im sure id be much cooler if i did | Comments: S is for the way i watch you when you sleep T is for the way i ran over your cat with a truck A is for the way i throw apples at you house L is for the way i look at you K is for the i killed you favorite stuffed animal just as a warning E is for the way i ko everything you do R is for GESS WHAT IM A ROBBER TOO! that spells STALKER....for all you slackers that cant read...yep....thats for all my prey..hehe |
connie - 09/21/00 01:28:25 My URL:i don't got the brains to write something 'smart-alecky' My What's your favorite kind of cookie?: sugar cookies!! Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: umm, i dunno, i read a lot of fanfics. I bet it's good though! What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies at the moment Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: no, but I saw Swing Kids and liked it. | Comments: Hmmmmm, uhhhhh, I don't really know what to say. I like your site, keep up the great job! |
Kalin the Brown French Indian Ooer - 08/29/00 15:43:49 My URL:You're a web page...ooh!!! *grins like mad* My What's your favorite kind of cookie?: mmm..cookies! Choclate chip Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: Yeah! You're my idol! What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies, ;) umm.. I dont know Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Yeah, yeah, and yeah | Comments: GO SMALL, FRENCH PASTERIERS LIKE CREPES! HEHEH ~Hydroponic Pectoral Fandango (kalin) |
Daisy - 07/02/00 17:55:17 My URL: Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: I love the movie Swing Kids with Christian Bale (Jack) | Comments: I know, i just signed but i got the website address wrong (I know that I should know since it is my site!!) Anyway, jusi in case you really want to visit it! Okay, I'll compliment you again. This is an awesome site, really! Bu-bye!! |
Daisy - 07/02/00 17:44:32 My URL: - I think?!!? My What's your favorite kind of cookie?: CHOCOLATE CHIP!! Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: No I haven't. I will though if you want me to!! What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Duh, Newsies!!1 Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: The only reason I like things that are related to swing is because of Swing Kids | Comments: I think this website rules!! Not just because you linked our webpage up to it (thanks by the way) but because it is just cool!!! I haven't looked at everything but I've seen most of it!! It is really awesome. |
Bethany - 06/23/00 21:11:33 My What's your favorite kind of cookie?: white chocalate What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies & Never Been Kissed Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: sort of. | Comments: het, nice page. gtg. |
jenny haskins aka sassy - 06/07/00 16:48:33 My URL:smart-alecky eh? this is sooooo wrong i have to be the biggest smart aleck on earth (hence the nickname sassy) but i can't think of a thing to say. My Email:sorry i could never insult you , you're one cool chick. What's your favorite kind of cookie?: excellent question, i have to say i have a weakness for chocolate chip cookies. Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: i'm getting to what you've written, but i always like filling out this stuff first, don't ask me why. What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): i feel no pressure what so ever to say that my favo movie is NEWSIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: i can't swing dance but i looooooove swing music, the W's are my favorites, but that could change. | Comments: OK this is one cool site. Alot of these newsies sites are pretty boring and have the same standard stuff, but yours is unique. i loooooove your site. ok well i think i'll take my insane self and go sign someone else's guest book. B-bye |
Tracy - 04/26/00 02:32:34 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie?: any Kind Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: I like your page What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies Newsies Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: yes | Comments: Hi I love your page I love the movie the Newsies |
Beth - 04/14/00 19:03:04 My URL:/Hollywood/Makeup/9670 My What's your favorite kind of cookie?: Peanut butter-chocolate chip Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: I've read everything I've ever written, yes. It's sort of unavoidable, if you think about it. What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies. *grins* Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: I do like swing music, and I like swing dancing. Additionally, yes, I do know how to swing dance. Although the only boy I know who can also swing dance ha pens to be my little brother... | Comments: I think that this is the coolest Newsies website this side of the Mississippi. |
Shannon - 03/30/00 02:50:38 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): Um, chocalate chip..*grins* Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: *laughs* Doi, course I have! And you know I think that you are just about one of the best authors around...*grins* What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Um, hello....Newsies.... Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Hell in my school too, according to the compitetion! *laughs* | Comments: I heart you, Mousie!!! *huggles* Bye! |
Tracy - 03/13/00 02:24:01 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): any kind Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: I lkie the page What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies Newsies Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: yes I do | Comments: Hi I lkie the page I llike the Newsies |
Smokels! *g* - 02/09/00 23:16:56 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): chocolate chip, of course Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: Yes, and it was quite good! *dances for NBF* What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies. What a silly question. Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: I love the music and the dancing, but I'm quite bad. | Comments: Bethie! I felt like swinging (heehee) by and seeing your site since I haven't been here in ages upon ages, long before Bronx and Harlem and Stevie and Annie and Smokels and various Harlem dances and the fight song. And it's so simply fantabulous! (I'm uite hyper, so don't mind my rambling too much.) When you said nobody applaused, I almost cried! How sad! *applauses bunches and bunches so Bethie's feelings won't be hurt* I love the quote, of course. And I love the fanfic and the Wah of Bethness. I do the thing with the attached pens and the chains too - the snake thing, y'know. Or I make it like a jumprope - that's fun too. Until the bank ladies yell at me, that is. And I love the bombos page - doncha think the Bombos-Mobile would be a great nam for a car? Anyhoo, just thought I'd stop by and write in your guestbook, since guestbook entries are bunches of fun. (Too bad I never get any. Hint hint.) See you around! Bunches of huggles and kisses, ~ Smokels |
The Man Stealer aka Danielle - 01/16/00 07:51:21 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): I'm going to have to go with peanut butter chocolate chip Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: I've read many a thing you've written and I think they're all very, very good What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): I don't like Newsies, you know that. Sliding Doors and Elizabeth are my two favorites Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Well, you keep trying to teach me, but I can't do it very well...I'm really not much of a dancer. I like jazz music, does that count? | Comments: I figured I'd sign your guestbook even though I hate them. It's about 2:00 am and I have nothing else to do...Oh yeah, your page is bombos or something like that. See you in scho |
Maria/Goldie/Sybil - 11/27/99 15:27:07 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): the kind they sell at my old school *sniff* Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: well, DUH! you're a kick-arse author, Bethy-me-dear... What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies? that and Rocky Horror... Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: I love it, but then I've loved it since I was a tyke, and this new boom of swing is kinda pissing me off...oh well. | Comments: i love ya page, kid...just thought you needed to know that :) ~*~Maria/Syb/Gold~* |
Andra - 09/20/99 01:03:38 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): snickerdoodle. Just say it. Snick-er-doodle, the kind of word that makes everyone stop and look at you. Maybe you should put that on a stick too. Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: Yes, and it's bombos. That word is catchy. And when I say it no one has any idea what I'm talking about.... What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): NEWSIES!! Of course. Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: YES! I love swing, and the dancing. Yes, I know how to swing dance. It's fun, now if only I could find a guy who actually knows how to swing dance besides the onle one I know who's already taken by a girl who just don't dance.... and now I'm rambling.. Swing Kids Rulz!:) | Comments: hmmm, guestbook. NoW hOw CoMe YoUrS wOrKs AnD nOt MiNe? Someday I'm going to be a Newsie/Swing Kid and marry Christian Bale, how's that for dreaming? He's mine I tell you!!! |
Katie - 08/28/99 03:55:15 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): anything with SuGaR and yes! that's a WONDERFUL question!!!! Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: Yeah I read your stories all the time! They should be updated a little more *hint hint* but other than that they're GRRRREEAT!! What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies of course! I also like Jawbreaker and Swing Kids! Hey I'm watching Newsies right now! Seize the day huh jack? *I love racetrack! he's so c ol!!* Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: I love swing music! I love swing dancing! I've been doing swing dancing *learning* for 5 years! woohoo go me! Anyone who hasen't done swing dancing sucks ! :o) sorry to say that | Comments: I love the page! Your "wah" page sounds an awful lot like me! heehee my new twin! Ya know what? I name pies all the time! My favorite one was the apple one that me and my friend dayna made...we named it...SPOT cause it had all these little brown spot where the crust burned a little (it was nasty but it was fun!) woohoo I'm hyper! I love mountain dew and sugar cookies! Keep up the great work! And hey, E-mail me!! ~*sMiLe!!*~ Katie *ragdoll* |
Amanda - 08/17/99 05:09:22 My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): choc. chip Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: yeah, it was great! What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies, and I wasn't pressured. Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Yes, to all three | Comments: Cool page. I really like your stories! |
Scribbles - 08/16/99 19:29:49 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): chocolate chip! Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: yeppers, and it's good. What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies, doh. Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: I like swing dancing, but I suck at it | Comments: I like your page! It's very creative and really cool. |
Gina (third bitch of the Triumverate) - 08/05/99 02:36:02 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): You should really be asking,"What's your favorite ice cream flavor," becase I love Peppermint Bon Bon ice cream... Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: hmmmm. I loved that little black-eye saga with the twin, and the cutting, and blah, blah, you or Alicia wrote. You guys are so joined at the hip that I don't remember who wrote what, but I thin it was you. What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Hmmmm. Right now, I have to go against your wishes and say The Matrix. Though I saw Payback yesterday, and I thought it was really good. Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: 'It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing, doo wop doo wop doo wah!' | Comments: I can't believe I'm signing your guestbook NOW, you've had this page for like, what, forever? Well, shame on me. I have to go sign Alicia's, Danielle's, and Chris's (if he has one) guestbooks too. Hoy, I have some work to do...Anywayz, you know I love ya nd that's why I'm signing your book as belated as it may be. |
Mud - 07/28/99 21:08:51 My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): anything that has frosting in the middle Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: yea; it's coo.. What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies. ( I like mud!) Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Yeah! I take swing with you1 | Comments: Eat mud pied. they do the body good! |
Echo - 07/25/99 21:06:35 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): peanut butter Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: bombos What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): *blinks* uh... Newsies (pressure? yeah right) Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: love swing music, can't dance at all, although I try when there aren't people around to comment on how stupid I look | Comments: Page is looking good! About the Yahoo!Geocities thing... I know what you mean. I haven't been able to update my site AT ALL because they've got everything messed up. I say we STRIKE! (Um... how do you go about striking against a website server?) Uh... I'l go read some fanfic now. Anyway, nice page. :) (((((Echo))))) |
Parrot Head - 07/14/99 16:23:05 My Email:ya know it What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: yeah; it's bombos What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): NEWSIES!!!!!! Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Yes! I love it; and yeah i know how to swing; i swing with ya! | Comments: U are too cool. i love you. u know it, Chowsy. (that's my word!!!) |
Lacey - 07/07/99 01:06:03 My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): mints Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: ok What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: yes yes yes | Comments: |
Tuesday - 05/05/99 20:32:15 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): chocolate chips Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: Yes, and I wrote you LONG mails concerning this, so you know, but if you have to hear it again_ Bombos! *grins* What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Err...what'S the one with these kids danicing with their books or so? Hmm...Newbies or something? ;-D Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: I can't dance at all and the music's all right, but not really my style. | Comments: Heya! Awesome page. :-) But you know that, don't you? |
Terri - 04/27/99 03:49:08 My URL: My Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: My classes servay | Comments: sorry if the page wasn't that great, but I had some difficolties, and I tell you this and that is that don't use geocities as a first time builder. |
Friday (ok not really, but i can pretend) - 04/03/99 21:51:21 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): peanut butter Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: not yet What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: yes, yes, no | Comments: Uh, cool page. don't eat ear wax. it doesn't taste good. not that i would know... |
Kalin - 03/31/99 23:19:07 My Email:ya know it What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): oreos Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: loveit What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies ;) Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Yes, I looovvveee to swing. And ya know it, too, silly! j/k | Comments: Nice, Bethie. You probably guessed who's writin' this- its me Kalin. I like the music. My mom's sitting here. Very annoying. ;P But listen, its a very nice page w/ all yer Pokemon and bombos banners. Has Wigi started on her BNS page yet? I wanna see |
Emily - 03/31/99 21:45:23 My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): peanut butter chip Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: It's great What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies (I would have said it even if you didn't ask) Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know | Comments: I really like your page. Your Fan Fic was great, too. Keep on writing! |
Angie - 03/14/99 22:25:36 My URL: My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): Oatmeal Rasin Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: Well, duh! I've read anything you've actually let me see, you paranoid freak. What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Newsies, Swing Kids, and many more and I can't think cohereantly enough to actually be able to list them anyway. Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Hmm, who takes swing lessons with you every Saturday and supplies the music??? | Comments: My comments? I have comments? Ok, sure I do. Remember, dwarfs are people too, although they may well be very upsetting. ;) ~Angela |
Frannie aka Ally - 03/10/99 21:53:14 My URL: What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): The chocolate chip ones that I make. (Me? Biased? Never.) Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: Yeah, actually I think I've read everything you've written. And everything your friends have written, too. I really like them. What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Well, I might be in trouble for this, but I don't have a favorite movie. I've seen many very good ones (yes, including Newsies) but not one in parti ular that I love. Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Love, love, don't know how. | Comments: Bombos site, Beth. Been a fan of it ever since this past summer when one of my friends forced me into watching Newsies. Keep up the good work on your page. (I just started a page with a friend and I know how frustrating it can get.) I've read your "wah and we seem freakily alike. Someone else like me. Scary. Well, be glad I finally got around to signing this! |
Sherrie - 02/25/99 15:49:52 My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): sugar cookies What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): NEWSIES by far! Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: its ok.. i dont know how | Comments: SPOT CONLON RULZ! |
Christine - 02/20/99 03:19:12 My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): hmm, chocolate chip Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: I read your poems and your wah of Bethness--they were interesting What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Swing Kids, Gone With the Wind, Grease, West Side Story, It Happened One Night, Top Hat...and maybe Newsies too Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Swing is my #1 passion! I love the music, and I love the dancing | Comments: Well, I found your page through Angela's. I thought I'd stop by, read some stuff and of course I couldn't leave without signing the guestbook--that would be just plain rude. So anyways, great page! |
Ellie - 02/09/99 02:40:55 My What's your favorite kind of cookie? (*grins* it's a good question, ok? *laughs*): Gingerbread Read anything I've ever written? What did you think?: Not yet What's your favorite movie? (say Newsies, say, don't feel pressured or anything...): Dazed and Confused ... AND Newsies :) Do you like swing music? How about swing dancing? Do you know how to swing dance?: Yes, Yes and Yes, but broken arms HURT! :) | Comments: Hey! I'm da first one to sign!!! WHooohoo!!! You have an awesome page! I'm watching Newsies in music class and I've fallen in love with the movie (and music and cast ... :) ... Anyway, keep up the good work. And if you have any wavs of the songs "Santa Fe , "Sieze the Day", or "The World Will Know" PLLLLLLLLLLEASE send them to me @ my email addy!!! thank you! Ellie |