It was twenty years ago today, when Sergeant Pepper taught his band to play...
Sorry, that all started with the "wah of Beatleness" which spiraled into a neverending black hole. AKA the creation of my wah. So this is where you get to learn about what it means to be me. It's sort of like a twisted, rather messed up sort of "About Me" page. Although I will admit that it is also significantly more interesting. Well to me, anyway...which brings me to point number one.
#1 - I am extremely easily amused.
This is probably the main point of Bethness that there is. I laugh hysterically at stuff which really isn't all that funny to begin with. Due to this fact (the fact that it wasn't even funny to begin with), I find the entire thing even more funny and laugh harder. And it's not funny. I also find it extremely enthralling to play with uhh...those, like, "stay-put pens" like they have in the Bookstore. You know, those pens which are connected to those little ball-chains that are stuck to the counter so that you can't take the pen accidentally. I find it extremely amusing to hold the pen in one hand while pinning the chain to the counter, and then proceeding to wiggle the pen back and forth so the chain makes this noise. It looks like a snake or something. It is so cool I cannot stand it. Please tell me I'm not alone here...
Another thing which makes me way too excited is that when my CD player skips or the batteries are low, or it makes an error in playing the song of any type, it says 'SORRY'. I love that. I start jumping around saying "The CD player said 'SORRY'! Look! Look! It said 'SORRY'!!!!" and everyone looks at me funny.
#2 - I am a Bohemian Nut Squirrel, and I act like one.
*sighs* Honestly, there is nothing crazier than a Bohemian Nut Squirrel. There are four of us, those being me, Alicia, Sara, and Kalin whose e-mail I am missing right now. (If for some odd reason you desire to converse with Kalin, you can e-mail Sara or I and we'll deal with it...) Kalin invented the name (Bohemian Nut Squirrels, that is...BNS for short) one night when we were rather high.
*long pause* Erk...high on life that is, not on drugs or something. But anyway...there are two main requirements to being a Bohemian Nut Squirrel.
1.) You get a high off watching Newsies and you get a high off seeing Jack Kelly. It also works for you if you feel the need to pet the television screen whenever a certain Mr. Kelly comes on.
2.) You find yourself stalking people. Not literally, like with knives and bomb threats, but you follow them around and look up where they live and figure out how to get to their house and...and...oh man I sound like a complete guys I mean. You know. Like the attractive ones who are seniors (or freshmen in college! *cries*)
Of course, there are a great many other requirements to being a Bohemian Nut Squirrel. One of these is yet another characteristic of Bethness.
#3 - I name pies. Pumpkin pies.
Yes, you heard me right. Have you ever thought about what a wonderful experience it is to name a pie? I mean honestly, have you? Likely not. Very likely not. But Alicia, Kalin, Sara and I have done it. It was Halloween 1998 when we first got the idea to name the pies we were making. We made two pumpkin pies. Sara and Kalin named the one they were making "Jared", and Alicia and I named ours "Judkins". (Would you believe that our history teacher was actually named Judkins? *stops and cries because Judkins is gone*) This, as does everything else, spiraled into a rather fun and exciting sort of fascination which we have never forgotten. For Thanksgiving, Sara and I made three pies. We named them Jack, Jessica and Excalibur. For the following Halloween - Halloween 1999 - we created more pies which recieved their own beautiful names: Jethro, Andrew and Sally.
Now, you can't just pick a name and pick a pie and name it. Heather named her pecan pie at Thanksgiving "Larry" in following our pie-naming, but that was all right because it was a perfect name for the pie. You must understand how imperitive it is that you can't just pick a name and pick a pie. To begin with, the name must be a "pie name". You cannot just name a pie anything you want. There are no specific requirements for what a pie name must be, it You will know. The voices will speak to you. (I sound schitzophrenic here...actually I suspect that I suffer from both schitzophrenia and multiple personality disorder, but I can't prove it.) Seriously though, you will be able to tell. Another thing, if the name fits...write the name of the pie on the pie. With whipping cream. That's what we did with Judkins. Alicia has a picture of it and it's on the Bohemian Nut Squirrels page, which I lost the address to. (I lose everything and forget everything else. I have no memory whatsoever.)
Oh, and if you are giving the pie away to someone, make sure they know its name. We have drilled our relatives into knowing what their pie's name is. Don't worry. People won't think you're much crazier than before...well no one thought I was, but that might just be me...
#4 - The craziness that is overtasking.
The word says it all. My favorite pastime is finding out how much I can do at once.