I Hate Yahoo


OK People, I really dislike Yahoo. I have tried to register three of my sites with them and they did not put one of my three sites on any of their pages. Not even my Howie Page. I think they are morally against Howie! Everyone else I know that has tried to register a Howie Site with them has also failed. I'm very upset. That's why I've made these banners, so you can be upset too and show everyone you're upset! You can put one of the banners on your page if you would like, be sure to link them back to /Hollywood/Makeup/9396/yahoo.html so other people can join too. If you put a banner on your page be sure to e-mail me so I can put you on the list of participants!



List of participants:

1. Backstreet Boys Humor
2. Hopelessly Devoted to Howie D

I just started this thing, OK?

Questions? Comments? Etc? Why don't you try E-mailing them.