He Said, She Said, Gay Boy Said


Once I had said I stole all these quotes off of someone's page. But now so many nice people have sent in quotes, that most of them aren't from her page. And, I guess you can't really steal quotes, can you? They're something that someone said, no one can 'steal' that.

OK, I have just a few new quotes, they are at the beginning.

Famous and Not -so- Famous Quotes By Nick (And my take on some of their bullshit)(My take in italics)

-"Do I think a tatoo would improve my sex life? I didn't know I had a sex life right now!"
I didn't know you had a sex life EVER!

-"Tattoos are sexy"
Watch out AJ! nick's after ya'!

-"We all look at ourselves in the mirror and say, "Yeah I look okay today."
Except you're thinking 'damn, I'm the finest man ever' (which, by the way, is a lie!)

-"I wouldn't say no."
'Cause you haven't had a chance to say yes yet!

-"We once sang at the opening of a pet store."
Is that when you met your 'girlfriend'?

-"People think I'm perfect."
Do you ever go see them in that mental hospital?

-"Personally I like it when fans do crazy things."
I guess that means your happy you're missing half of your lawn.

"I love girls."
Then don't you think it would be nice to tell Brian he had a sex change?

-"America girls are still hesitant in lettin' everything out!"
What exactly were you planning on having them let out, nick-ay? Hmmm?

-"I'm sorry...Brian and Howie won't let me."
Won't let you what? Uhhhh... nevermind.

-"So I went on TV and made a fool of myself."
Oh, that's not that big of deal! You do it everyday!

-"Trust me you'll enjoy it."
Believe me, if it's coming from you, I won't. Unless... you aren't dying are you?

-"We're gonna star in the next movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger."
It'll be called 'All the Teen Idols Are Gay

-"You get sick."
...of looking at me.

-"Brian is modelling."
...women's underwear

-"Yeah, we're cool."
No, I believe it's 'they're cool'.

-"The taste is different."
nick commenting on relationships he's had with men and women.

-"Howie, what about David Hassellhoff...Ha! That's Howie's favorite."
No, I thought it was your favorite!

-"You're not funny."
I'm not? Then those people who send me e-mails everyday telling me I'm funny must be stupid or something.

-"I'm a camera hogger."
Believe you me, we know.

-"I can make him happy."
nick commenting on what he has to offer Brian

-"I'm pumped!"
Well I'm sure not.

-"This is so embarassing. I can't believe she's doing this to me!!"
Yeah, I know me making fun of basically everything that comes out of your mouth is embarassing. But it's funny as hell!

-"He said he was going to pump us up!"
I thought you guys told AJ to stop that...

-"I have a cold!"
And you think we really care?!?

-"Well actually I'm wearing it."
What, your favorite shade of lipstick?

-"Pizza, definetly pizza"
Yeah, I like to use pizza when me and Brian have sex too...

-"We just make sure that anything that pops up, we nail it right in the butt!..."
That's, um, very, uh, gross. Did we have to know that?

-"I always gotta lose control!"
There's just so much to say about this one...

-"I have no name. My name is God. Practice saying 'Hail God!'"
I have no name. My name is God. Don't those setences contradict each other? Oh well, Hail Gay Boy! Hail Gay Boy!

-"You don't know that so don't say it in my face or I will...just let me think what I will do... hmmm."
Yeah, I know I called you gay to your face. So what will you do... hmmm... admit it's true?

-"Put your brains together and think."
Because you don't have much of a brain to offer.

-"You go, girl!"
Go where?

-"Okay. My bad."
Yep, it's your bad... I guess you'll just *have* to kill youself now.

-"I don't know what you are talking about! I only have two!"
You only have two nipples? But I heard you have three...

-"He was being a meanie head!"
What kind of guy besides a gay guy says 'meanie head?'

-"I am the Terminator!"
.... of all thoughts that all the Backstreet Boys are straight!

-"Me and Howie have been on the road a little too long. This is what the road does to us!
What, makes you gay?

-"When you come to L.A. you have to dress like this!"
Yeah, I guess you would kind of fit in in LA if you dressed gay...

-"At the end of every rainbow...there's a pot of Nintendo games!"
Yes, but which side of the rainbow are you on?

-"I was asked out by a bunch of girls when I was at school. I like girls asking you out because it takes the pressure off you having to do it, but it hasn't happened in a while, I'm sad to say!"
So, none of his fans asking him out means anything to him? I'm sure nick gets asked out by a billion teenyboppers everyday!

-" I don't have many friends. I just have these guys."
Are you trying to call them all losers or something?

-"I've been seeing some stuff on the internet... like, funky stuff."
So I see you've been around here...

-"Flirting is always good fun."
Especially when it's with Brian, right nick-ay? *wink, wink*

-"Busy, busy, busy...."
No shit sherlock

Why on earth exactly a quote? Oh, forgot, 'whoa' is somewhat of an intelligent word for nick

-"We live on pizza."
And do you sleep on pepperonis?

-"You think you know what it is? Ok then. What is it?"
It's the pizza, some of it's stuck in that place where your missing tooth is

-"But you make me very happy."
Well, you make me very sick

-"Before showing the film to our parents, we cut out the bits where gils throw condoms and underwear at us on stage."
Maybe that's a good idea...

-"My underwear..."
Yeah, what about your underwear? Yuck, ugly thought, nick's underwear

-"It's all good."
Yeah, it would be, if you were dead

-"Sometimes good looks come in handy."
Yeah, too bad you're stuck being ugly

-"I feel all mushed up in these spandex things."
So take them off, damn it. WAIT! Forget I ever said that! Please dear lord forget I ever said that...

-"Nope, nope, nope."
Yep, yep, yep

-"I like to do anything I can to these guys."
No. This one just leaves too much to laugh at.

-"It feels soooooo wonderful!"
Is he referring to doing anything I can with these guys?

-"Hooo! Um, I don't know-- yeah, we do, ah, maybe a few here and there, but, um, hey, I don't know-- yeah, we do, basically, sometimes."
What do you do? Each other?

-"Music is our love."
And Brian is your lover

-"No, no, no, don't tell him!"
Yes! Tell him damn it tell him!

-"What a show!"
What kind of people think 'What a show!' is a quote?

-"Yo Brian, stop lying!"
You know we're really dating!

-"I want a girl who'll let me hold her so tight and kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her...."
Scratch out girl... write boy... scratch out her... write him...

-"Sometimes I get fan mail. I try to reply to mine personally."
Yeah, and I enjoy getting hate mail that says go fuck your self and jump off a bridge. Who wrote that line down for you on a piece of paper, gay boy?

-"we do, basically, sometimes." -Nick, in response to the question 'Do boy-bands get fan mail from male admirers?'
Yeah, and you try and respond to them personally, right?

-"Hey, I heard that!"
Well, fine but it's true.

-"If I have to eat McDonald's one more day on this trip, I'm gonna scream!"
Well, do it quietly, cause frankly no one gives a fuck

-"I think about what I ate." (before they do a show)
And then do you scream because it was McDonalds?

-"Me and Puff go way back"
Yeah baby... the preschool days...

-"Oh yeah. Her."
I don't get this one. I don't even know what to say about it.

"I want to be crazy forever. Even when I'm 80."
That shouldn't be too hard...

-"What are you talking about?"
Yo bitch, wees bees talkin boutch yo momma, you gots a probelm wit dat?

-"It's all good."
Did we already go over this one?

-"The flying wha?"
Do you just not enjoy finishing your sentences or something?

"Hey, I heard that!"
I know we've gone over this one before.

-"We love 'em"
Love who?

-"Not for me, not here."
Yeah, I guess that wouldn't be such I good idea... What are you talking about?

-"Yeah right!"
Yeah wrong!

-"My underwear..."
We said this one too before.

-"We forbid that"
And I forbid you to ever enter my household.

-" I would be the monkey's trainer"
I believe it's 'the monkey's uncle' my dear

About what he has to offer as a boyfriend:
-"Just me myself. I'm a very ordinary, down to earth kinda guy and I hope that's all my girl would need."
Bullshit! Who gave you that peice of paper to read off of?

What he has to say about girls and love:
-"It doesn't really matter to me as long as they have a good personality."
And as long as they're not in a wheelchair... or as they're ugly.... or unpopular...

-"Love has no age......"
Where on earth did that come from?!?

-"Faithfullness is very important to me... I would be incapable of cheating on my girlfriend. I couldn't look at her straight in the eye. If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't even need to look at other girls."
Oh come on! That's the lamest thing any guy has ever said... I would never even need to look at other girls... ha ha ha. That's a good laugh.

-"I can be shy around girls. The other guys have got far more experience."
Yeah, they've gotten far more experience with girls. But trust me nick, if any of the boys ever have trouble getting with guys, they'll ask you real quick.

About Himself:
-"I don't believe in being mean to anyone. I'm a really peaceful person. That's something I get from my family."
AHHHHH!!! Who writes this boy's script?

-"Every day I get a lot of hugs from fans and from the guys, but I don't get a proper hug every day- I wish I did."
Yeah, even though I have millions of fans screaming my name everyday... and I'm one of the most popular people in the world, I still don't feel like anyone likes me. I need so much more.

-" I try not to look in the mirror much."
Yeah, maybe that's a good idea. Those broken mirror bills can add up after awhile...

-What people have to say about Nick-

I'll just let you sit back and have a good laugh at these. They are just so stupid they don't need comment.

-"He really struts his stuff" -Nick's uncle talking about Nick

-"He wines a lot!" -Donna Wright talking about Nick

-"Nick's a real prankster. Last tour, he put a sock filled with all kinds of odds and ends that really stank (he won't reveal the exact contents)behind the drums, adn during the showit started to smell real bad. Revenge is being plotted as we speak." -AJ talking about one of Nick's pranks

-"Nobody could be a better brother than Nick!"

-"I'm trying to think of the last time he was nice to me... hmmm... he bought me lunch the other day. He doesn't help old ladies over roads or open doors though!" -Howie talking about Nick

And my most favorite quote of all time...
Howie: "Nick there's a lot you don't know."
Lol, LoL, LOL!

Got any hilarious nick quotes that cry for people to make fun of them? Send 'em to me!
Thanks to
Tommy Girl,
And an anonymous person
For supplying quotes.