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***Warning*** If you are very offended by people making fun of the BsB, please leave this site immediately, because I'm not going to listen to a single word you say when you send me hate mail, I'm just going to trash it. And if you are exceptionally susceptible to nick is gay jokes, than I suggest you leave right now, because he is. That's it. He is.
Email with story or article ideas, or story or articles you have written your self.
*NEW*Because One Solo Is EnoughPlease support this VERY worthy cause
*fixed*Happy Birthday Howie!Whoa! Howie's 26! Is that too old for me?? NO WAY!
*NEW*Dissapointed?Think this site needs more funny stuff? Click here to see the up and coming stuff that is gonna be on this site!
*NEW*LINKIES!I do realize there is a POSSIBILITY you may get tired of my site...
They're Called BANNERS People!PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go here if you own a website!
Stupid Stupid Tour!!Wondering why this Millenium tour is so stupid?? Check this out!
Support 'N' StuffThings I support, funny stuff, serious stuff, including memorial funds the boys have set up
My Tribute To Andruw JonesI know it has nothing to do with BsB, but I love him so much!
My Message To the Backstreet Boys (If you are a BSB, read!)A message to the boys about how I really regard them. Very heartfelt.
Stupid (not very nice people)Because *every* good humor site has some!*NEW*TagLinesMy new humor area that can't live without *your* help!
The Fish Face UpdateJoin my mailing list here to recieve an e-mail everytime i update the site!!
Thoughts from the KandyManAka, a few thoughts my brother wanted here. E-mail him, not me.
I Want It THAT Way!A good review about a cool new video I just saw the premier of!
Everything I Learned in Life I Learned From...The life lessons BSB has taught me.
Survey of the MonthA survey all about you fave BsB. Results posted everytime I get a chance.
Webpage StickersThe internet's answer to bumper stickers.
Caroline and KC's Backstreet Boys Humor NewsletterSubscribe here! (Of course it's free!)
Yeah! I finally won an award!Yeah yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking great... she won an award
*fixed*Just A Whole Buncha PicturesI fixed it!! Woo-hoo!!
Win My Award!I call my award the 'God damn it, I want to win an award' award.
Adopt a Virtual Troll Howie!They are all the rage! Well, not really but...
BsB Fan FictionIncludes BsB on the Titanic and a new fanfic.
The Most Annoying Thing In The WorldClick only if you have a lot of time
How I Fell In LoveA story about how I fell in love with the Backstreet Boys
*A Few Good Parodies Songs that just beg people to make fun of them
Why I love HowieIn lieu of Howie's b-day, I thought I'd make all these nice comments about him
What were they thinking?!? A bunch of not very highly acclaimed picture captions.
How To Cure Yourself of TOW BSB SyndromeTOW BSB=Totally Obssesed With Backstreet Boys
He Said, She Said, Gay Boy SaidSome quotes from nick, and my opinion of their bullshit
nick loves Brian, not Howie!
Real proof of Gay Boy's affairs.
Why I hate nick
Do I need say more?
The low down on Nick Names
I tell all on BsB nick names
My Favorite and Least Favorite BsB Videos
Because admit it, most BsB videos suck
My take of I'll Never Break Your Heart
A video I almost hate as much as ALAYLM
Random thoughts about BsB
Everything from their shoes to their virginity*=Updated recently
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Fight '99!
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