Jedi Thunder-Now Closed
Welcome to Jedi Thunder
Hello, and thank you for visiting my site.
This site was first created and opened July 1998. It was my very first website - a project made over a boring summer for a new interest I came to love that year.
It is my sad duty to inform you that Jedi Thunder has been closed.
Why? I have more than one reason....
- I simply do not have the same interest in the series as I once had, nor do I have the time to continue updating the site when I do not really care about the content. I did not want to leave a dead, non-updated site on the web like so many others do. I always hate to click a site and see Last Updated: July 7, 1996. It's really annoying, you know? And I did not want to do that and disappoint the people coming here any further.
- I think George Lucas has lost his mind. I also think he's creating the prequel trilogy not for the fans but for money and that's why they suck compared to the originals. Don't get me wrong, I love The Phantom Menace, but compared to A New Hope, et al., it's crap. The books aren't even good anymore. I think Lucas' mindset these days is "Hey, I'll create a crap movie using a crap plot and an annoying child with cool effects and the name 'Star Wars' tagged onto it! Yah, that'll bring in some money!" News, people: IT'S SHIT. I was in denial, but I've seen the light.
You may e-mail me all you fucking want to, but you will not get a reply.
Thanks for all the hits and the good time. Keep on Trekkin'. Oops, wrong franchise! {;) I AM KLINGON!
I will now direct you to my personal website, Amiry's Outpost.

Closed: October 6, 2001
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