Hiya and Welcome to my Guestbook! Enjoy your stay! WOOF!

Richard L. L. Humphrey - 09/24/99 21:04:58
P.S.........Aaaarrrrrooooooooooooooo! :)

Richard L. L. Humphrey - 09/24/99 21:01:48
My Email:andrewm@peppersnet.com
Favorite dog in Balto: Balto
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: unknown
Favorite T.V. show: (no TV,...VCR only)
Hobbies: Wolves, trains, guns, swordmaking, knife collecting, knife repairing, writing poetry('bout wolves and girls), music,..... :)
Favorite book: "The Call of the Wolves" by Melvin Berger
Best friend's first name: Jahce
Hey Reddawg. I'm a BIG Balto fan, becouse I like wolves and Jenna(Lucky Balto).I'm not on I.C.Q. often, but I am when my brother lets me. When I am, my nickname will be Arctic Wolf. You did a great job on your site, and I agree, there should be a sequal t "Balto". Catch ya later. Arctic Wolf.

Kim - 07/24/99 11:54:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il2/CartoonCharmExchange/
My Email:LuckiesBest@webtv.net
Favorite dog in Balto: all
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: n/a
Favorite T.V. show: South Park
Hobbies: art
Favorite book: n/a
Great site =^,~=

Petal - 04/20/99 12:51:34
My URL:/Heartland/Hollow/7804
My Email:petal1@angelfire.com
Favorite T.V. show: Seachange
Hobbies: lots'a'stuff
Favorite book: Warrick Todd Diaries
Hi! Cool page! I came here via Krazy's Webring!

Barb - 01/31/99 01:34:20
My Email:barbarafrazier@msn.com
Favorite dog in Balto: what's that?
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: dogs
Favorite T.V. show: boys cats
Hobbies: quilting
Favorite book: Shibumi
Best friend's first name: Kristin
Daryl and I are playing and it's been a long time since we visited your site. So here we are, you lucky girl.

Exile (yeah I leave stuff in all the Balto pages!!) - 01/03/99 05:11:30
My Email:exile43@hotmail.com
Favorite dog in Balto: THE White Wolf
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: Richard Simmons
Favorite T.V. show: Road Rovers
Hobbies: Drawing (mostly of Balto!)
Favorite book: Kavik the Wolf Dog and Hatchet
Best friend's first name: Brittany (hi Britt!!)
Wonderful page! It deserves an A+++ on your Balto Report Card!!

10/25/98 01:45:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Cindy - 09/29/98 15:04:56
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Ronnie Chong@McClane - 09/19/98 00:31:50
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mcclane100
My Email:mcclane100@hotmail.com
Favorite dog in Balto: Balto and Jenna!
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: Gee, dunno
Favorite T.V. show: Any canine animations
Hobbies: Writing stories about Balto
Favorite book: Fluke
Best friend's first name: Alan Wan
The page is great indeed! Keep up the good work As a Balto fan myself, you really did a good job and of course, keep updating it!

Yukon Joe - 08/14/98 22:41:15
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/yukon_joe/balto.html
My Email:yukon_guy@hotmail.com
Favorite dog in Balto: Star
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: - CLASSIFIED -
Favorite T.V. show: Freakazoid
Hobbies: Sketching, gaming
Favorite book: Myst: The Book of Artus
Best friend's first name: - CLASSIFIED -
Hey! Cool page. But, is it enough to pass the test?! Haha, just kidding. That's me, bad humor. Keep it up!

Crystal - 08/08/98 23:21:43
My Email:spring_shower@yahoo.com
Favorite dog in Balto: Balto
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: Whitney Houston
Favorite T.V. show: Road Rovers
Hobbies: volleyball
Favorite book: Gone With the Wind
I really like this page. Thanx BaltoDaWolf for introducing me to it. Reddawg you're doin a real good job on the page. I think there should be a sequel to Balto. See Ya Balto fans!

Daryl's Mom - 08/08/98 03:25:50
My Email:barbarafrazier@msn.com
Favorite dog in Balto: Tammy
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: Rin Tin Tin
Favorite T.V. show: QVC
Hobbies: quilting
Favorite book: Shibumi
Best friend's first name: Kristin
You are so very smart. It's fun looking at your page. Silly sat in my lap for awhile and looked at it too. I think he liked it, especially the part with Balto running across the screen. Did you have a great birthday?

Chrissy - 07/29/98 19:39:56
My Email:cristyp@ix.netcom.com
Favorite dog in Balto: Balto
Person you think shouldn't be in show biz: David Letterman
Favorite T.V. show: Seinfeld (I know it's finished)
Hobbies: Tennis,roller blading,reading
Favorite book: The Once and Future King
Best friend's first name: Zoe
Nice meeting you on the bridge and thank you for introducing me to Balto. I enjoy keeping in contact with ICQ too. Maybe we'll meet sometime. Good job on your website.

Reddawg - 07/28/98 21:06:34
just checking to see if it works ok.

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