Hello. If you've stumbled upon this section of my page you must be wondering "Who is this crazy girl?". Well, for starters, my name is Katie. I'm a silly little blonde-haired, blue eyed, 14 year old girl from the state of Virginia.
As for interests, I'm into alot of things... no matter how strange. My source for all time relief is to go riding (a horse, that is). Among other things, I'm into swimming, shopping, reading, writing, roller blading (no real tricks), ice skating (though I just started... so all in all, I suck), hockey, collecting various... objects, dragons, zodiac related things, as well as afew other fantasy creatures. I hope that's enough to satisfy you for now!
Dragons, raptors, and lizards are prolly my favorite things to deal with, whether it's drawing them, reading about them, or talk ing about them. I'm not sure why, though. It makes no sense! I'm terrified of snakes!
I know what you're thinking "This girl's got some problems". Well, so, maybe I do. WHO DOESN'T? Heh, oh well.
For those of you who are feeling brave, drop me a line at silverserinia@hotmail.com or keitei@hotmail.com

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