~real and make-believe~

Chapter 1: People to Visit and Places to See

Part 1

Info On My Character Silver_Serinia:
Read up on my chat character, sorry, no real pics

Info On The IRL Me:
Well... incase you haven't figured it out,.. this is info on the real life me, the girl behind the flames (okay.. that was cheesy... gimme a break!)

Serinia's Endearing Words of Wisdom:
It's just what it says. A bunch of stuff you really should read. Trust me.

Part 2

Unrelated Interests:
This here is a collection of pictures from such things as Castlevania, The Last Unicorn, Sephiroth, and soon to come: Slayers!.. they are rather limited at the moment.. seeing as how I am editing this constantly

Visit my Cyber Pets!:
Check out some of my cyber pets!

Chapter 2: Dragon Pics

Art Gallery 1
A collection of dragon pictures I hope you enjoy.

Art Gallery 2
Yet another collection of dragon art.

Art Gallery 3
Once more, another dragon art gallery.

Art Gallery 4
The last of the dragon art galleries.

Thank you for stumbling upon my journal. I'd appreciate if you would reply to Good day.

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