The Ultimate X-Philes' Site

*note: has anyone else using GeoCities experienced problems accessing their own pages? I've noticed that my browser won't pull up files that I can view fine in file manager... weird. E-mail me if you know what's up w/ this....
DATE: 2/20/00
- Wow- it's the first time I updated since the new millennium!!! So much for Y2K hype... Well, if any unlucky soul out in cyberspace is still coming upon this page, just to give a little warning, this site will go into hybernation until the summer of 2000, and when maintaining an X-Files site becomes a little more practical. There will be an occasional update- I still have some scanned in articles lurking around on my hard drive that I haven't put up yet, so I would say checking around monthly would suffice. There are, however, a plethora of other XF sites out there to check out- go to my links page for some suggestions.
- Site wise, I know a lot of this stuff is ancient in Hollywood time- and it will remain that way until spring break/the summer- sorry! InsideTheWeb has also decided to be an obnoxious *fill-in-the-blank*, and has deleted my general use X-Files message board. However, the MMDB (Monday Morning Discussion Board) is not yet defunct; feel free to use that board for general use, as well as episode discussion in the meantime!
- In other news, tonight's ep is our lovely X-Files' 150th! Below is a (p)review of the ep; enjoy, everybody!
From the Wall Street Journal- 2/18/00
By Barbara D. Phillips
9-10PM EST on FOX
I gave up trying to follow the ins and outs of this series’ vast
conspiracy long ago. (Is there still a vast conspiracy?) I tune in for the quirky stand-alone episodes, the ones where wry wit cuts through all the atmospheric gloom. "X-Cops" is just such a treat, as Mulder and Scully search for a monster in a scruffy Southern California nabe with the "Cops" camera crew in tow. It’s a droll hour that melds the video-verite conventions of FOX’s "Cops"- it’s hand-held cameras, its down-at-the-heels victims and earnest police officers- with "X-Files’ " now-familiar oddities. Wonder if we’ll ever see a follow-up episode in which "Bad Boys," "Cops’ " insinuatingly catchy reggae theme, is revealed to be a form of alien mind control.
DATE: 7/30/99
- Well, folks, I have yet another excuse for lack of updates... I plan on revamping this site before September and give it a whole new look and feel (I FEEL that it's incredibly clumsy and hard to navigate right now, but this isn't therapy, so it really doesn't matter what I feel, does it? But anyway...) I promise the new site will be frames-free, and probably a little more interactive. But just to keep you busy while I'm gone (I know, I know, *sniff sniff*) here's something for you to read..
- Updated Article Transcripts with Decoding the X-Files, an old Newsweek article from June 22, 1998.
DATE: 7/21/99
- Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been working on multiple "projects" for this site, all of which I'll hopefully have up by mid-August (otherwise known as the Moxy Fruvous concert at South Street Seaport, NYC, on Aug. 13th. But that's another story.) The projects- JavaScript X-Files Mad Libs, a Bree Sharp info only page, newsletter, transcript of the Newsweek article from ages ago, and all of the stuff mentioned above.... sigh... but as for immediate updates, look below.
- Updated Episode Transcripts with "Behind-the-Scenes" Commentary from The X-Files: Fight the Future (DVD). It's not really an episode transcript, but since it did come from an "episode", that's where it will reside.
DATE: 6/29/99
DATE: 6/29/99
DATE: 6/28/99
I'm baaaack!!! Seriously folks, I'm back to do some work on this site, and summer vacation has started, so expect to see some more updates. I'm also on under the name truztno1, so look around for me, and that also means I'll have some more information, the kind of stuff that I didn't have before. Like? Wait and see. Oh, and it was NOT just your imagination or your computer if you discovered that this page was screwed up over the past two days. I was fiddling around with something to bring you more fun X-Files joy (which is at this point a secret, but I guarantee you you'll have fun with it when it's up). The XF Music page is also screwed up, and I won't have the chance to fix it for a while, so please be patient!
DATE: 5/29/99
- I'm really sorry to say that I had to delete the yearbook pics of DD and GA from my picture archive, but I had to... I really can't afford legal action, nor will a few people be very happy about it.... I also can't afford to share my opinion with you about this whole matter on this site, so I'll let the letter speak for itself. Feel free to take whatever action on it. Oh, and BTW Seth Poppel, this is by no means a negative statement.... if even you feel your letter to me reflects on you in a negative manner, that would be your fault, not mine, as I am not divulging my opinion on this whole matter- I'm not saying that it's bad or good.
DATE: 5/19/99
- Updated XFNews with a link to a nice article/transcript from ET Online about DD's upcoming movie, Return to Me.
- I thought that when TV Guide deleted their online archives, they deleted this fun game too, but they didn't- the "X-Files FotoFlip" is still there... if you haven't seen it before, check it out now before they delete it!!!!
- I might not be able to do too many updates this week; I have to tech for a high school choir concert, and I have lots of homework! Plus, gotta go, it's thundering outside!!!
DATE: 5/19/99
In case you were wondering, the chorus concert really sucked, along with the fact that I'm in a crappy Model UN committee. Ok, now that I' done complaining, I know this should go under XFNews, but I don't have time, so I'll just post it here.
- From TV Guide, read about DD's hardships during the shooting of his ep, The Unnatural, and other misc. stuff here.
DATE: 5/17/99
Hey, i know it's been almost forever seen y'all saw me last, but track and teching for One Acts (our high school's collection of student-directed plays, all one act long) finally caught up with me.... and i really couldn't screw up (which i did anyways) by going online in the booth because then Mrs. M (the supervisor), Victor, and Dan (both directors) would have literally have my head (or at least my eardrums)... then the 2 hour long track practices, 3 hour long meets, catching up on sleep on the weekend, etc. would explain for my absence. Anyhoo, i'm not supposed to be online now, I should be doing homework and projects (I even skipped climbing to do it), so forward march with the updates! Oh yeah, i've got a chorus concert tomorrow tonight (beauty and the beast... *shudder*... haha, whoever's doing sound for it, have fun!), so definately no updates tomorrow!
- Updated XF News with info on GA's new movie, The House of Mirth, and a rerun of Future Fantastic on ET life....
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I should really clean up my article pictures directory, but it's not going to happen for a while. Anyways, added new pictures of DD from the (April?) edition of Esquire. There's a particular one that's sooooo hilarious! Some of these may be fuzzy, but i give them an overall thumbs up.
Picture #1 (smaller version)- 13k
Picture #1 (larger version)- 26k
Picture #2 (smaller version)- 15k
Picture #2 (larger version)- 32k
Picture #3 (smaller version)- 22k
Picture #3 (larger version)- 46k
Cover (smaller version)- 27k
Cover (larger version)- 53k
DATE: 5/9/99
- I celebrated today with a small webpage gift to my mom (I would link to it, but I highly doubt any of you can read Korean...). I hope today was as wonderful for everybody as it was for my family!
- Added the MMDB (Monday Morning Discussion Board). For those of you who aren't aware of what the MMDB is, it's a message board where all philes can post their reviews, talk about the episodes, etc. The name was derived from the fact that discussions of the episode the night before with my friends UK and AB on Monday mornings became a weekly ritual. However, discussions aren't limited to Monday mornings!!!!
- The Alph, the original X-Files alphabet book, is back!!!! I must say it's very comprehensive and lovely looking, go check it out!
DATE: 5/8/99
- Updated XF News- Linked to an article from Cinescape Online on what some people from XF are going to work on over their hiatus.... and it's also got interesting tidbits from the past, like DD's head being in a bag... : )
- Millennium Canceled?- an article, also from Cinescape Online, on Millennium's (that's with two Ls and two Ns) uncertain position... not XF, but if it does get canceled, maybe CC will pay a little more attention and improve the quality of XF...
- Added a transcript of those A private conversation with... interviews from the beginning of the XF tapes with CC and behind the scenes conversations... the above one is the one off the tape with Beyond the Sea.
- Not really XF stuff, but a happy birthday shout-out to UK, who turned a lovely 113 yesterday (and that's no typo.... serious, 113 years old).... ; P
DATE: 5/5/99
- I added a chat room... in order to chat, you need to have a java-enabled browser. Make sure your computer can handle large websites... trust me, it drove my own sluggish computer crazy. Currently, the chat room is barren, but when I plan on being in there, I'll tell you at least a few days in advance!!!
DATE: 5/3/99
DATE: 5/1/99
- Transcribed The Truth at 10:13 from the XF movie soundtrack... for those of you that don't know, it's a summary of the whole show up to season 5 from the mouth of Chris Carter... very fun... : )
- Congrats to David Duchovny and Tea Leoni on the birth of baby daughter Madelaine West Duchovny!!! (I'm not gonna post any numbers, as in weight, etc., because I think there's already enough of it on the web.) According to Mitch Piliggi (aka Skinner) the baby was born a week past its due date, but DD handled it very well. She was born 4/24.
DATE: 4/26/99
- I moved all my XF News off of this page, the main one, and onto another page, aptly named XF News. : )
- Got a whole bunch of XF related links onto my Links... finally, right, AB? Couldn't have done it without the help of AB's page, About the Webmaster... page is just a joke, no need to alert Geocities. I greatly dislike those people, but I'm not going to go berzerk about it, so calm down!!! My sympathies go out to all the victims and their families, and that I hope heinous events like these will never happen again, and that we should all take the appropriate measures to prevent such an event from reoccuring.
- I'm planning on starting a MMDB- Monday Morning Discussion Board, after I finish my review of the series and put it up here, on the main page.... anyone want to throw in a vote of yes? Remember, you can't yak by yourself forever about an episode.... maybe you can, but let's just leave it at that.
DATE: 4/11/99
- All righty, this is just an update- I salvaged the stuff below from a file, when I bothered to save some of this stuff a while back, but other than that, it's all gone.... : ( I'll post the DD interview transcript link back up again in a few days, along with a few others if I can find them... if you remember what links/info i had here, please e-mail me so I can find them again and get this site back to normal!!!!
- Made a new Fun Page- it's got the Mad Parody, XF Music, etc., along with a new page called Words of Wisdom- check it out. Words of Wisdom has a bunch of XF quotes, and more.
- I'm starting a monthly newsletter that will be e-mailed out. It'll have what's been updated on my site, as well as any fan contributions (poems, fanfic, news, etc.). To subscribe to it, scroll down to the bottom of this page and fill out the form.
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