Ralph when he eats paste.
Marge is touching his special area.
Ralph bites his tongue.
Ralph wants to be a principal.
Ralph said snagglepuss was going to the bathroom.
Ralph warns Homer that he's gonna drink a candle.
Ralph went to the office cause he was dirty.
Ralph talking about a restaurant.
"Can we do illustrations?"
Ralph crying.
Ralph is scared.
Ralph finds a spearhead.
Ralph finds out he's special.
Ralph is happy the witch didn't eat him.
Ralph talking about his happiest day.
Ralph bent his wookie.
Ralph at the chocolate factory.
Someone stole his juice money
Not allowed to use scissors
Ralph talking about stuff.
Ralph thought he wet his bed.
Ralph talking about his nosebleeds.
Ralph ate a worm.
"Chocolate microscope."
Ralph ate his crayon.
Pedaling backwards.
"was Lincoln ok?"
"Leave me alone".
Ralph ate his knob.
Ralph thinks he won.
"I dunno."
Looking fo Ms.Hoover.
Ralph glued his head to his shoulder
Ralph saying something was funny.
He doesn't feel good.
"Me fail english? That's unpossible!"
"I dress myself."
Ralph talking about his cat.
Ralph gets carsick.
He ate his caps.
A valentine.
Ralph talking about Principal Skinner in the closet with a teacher.
Ralph doesn't brush.
Ralph singing on the bus.
Ralph reading a valentine.
Ralph talking about his dad
Ralph wants to be just like his dad.
"Go banana!"
Ralph asking what a battle is.
Ralph ate berries.
"I'm going to Bovine University>"
Ralph talking to big daddy.
Ralph asking if you can cook his dinner
"There's a dog in the vent!"
"My face is on fire!"
Ralph playing cards.
"I pick Ken Griffey Jr.
Ralph finds out what his job is.
"You're going to heaven!"
Ralph spills ice cream.
"Leave me alone."
"I love Lisa Simpson, and when I grow up I'm gonna marry her!"
Ralph finds a moonrock in his nose.
Ralph wants to know what's for lunch.
"Principal Skinner is an old man who lives at the school."
Ralph wants to know what "oral" means.
Ralph and lisa are gonna be in a pie.
Ralph talking about recess.
"This is my sandbox.I'm not allowed to go in the deep end."