Amaya's World!!

Amaya's World!!

So you've come to see and learn more about Amaya?? Well you have come to the right place!! Here you will find information and pictures of Amaya. And you can read some of the things she has to say and some of the things her roomies said about her. Just click on the flower next to the destination you want! Hope you have fun and enjoy this site all about Amaya

Just on a side note all I AM NOT AMAYA. I wish I could say I was but I am not sorry to dissapoint you guys:) But If you want to keep leaving things for her in the guestbook that is fine you never know when she might stop by.

Another editors note:1.)So you don't like Amaya. Fine who cares. But please do not cuss her out in my guestbook. I don't mind negative comments about her but there is NO need for crass comments. I realize not everyone likes her, but when comming to this page you should realize it is centered around AMAYA not the whole RW8 cast. My suggestion is that if you hate her so much don't visit this page. There are plenty of pages out there that center on the whole cast.

2.)I work very hard on this page and I am not going to get every comment verbatem 100% of the time. (Espically things that are beeped out) I am usually too busy trying to keep up to read lips.I try my hardest to be as acurate as I can be and I think I get the jist of most of the comments down. So before you yell at me for getting a word or two wrong in my guestbook please keep that in mind and also understand that I try as hard as I can to be correct on things. If you feel that I have majorly hacked a comment up and you know what was really said I would be more than happy to correct those things if you send me a nice email. Once again thank you for all of your support and I hope that the ones of you that do appreciate this page continue to visit.:)

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