Thanks for signing my Guestbook. I really appreciate it!

Emily Masry - 11/23/98 23:16:33
My URL:http://Eko147
City and State: Beaumot,TX
Age: 13.5
Fav. Color: purple
Fav. Animal: ferret
Fav. School Subject: orchestra


Heather, the self-proclaimed genius of all the land she surveys - 11/21/98 18:38:18

Hi Elise, I haven't talked to you in a while. How's life? A last week I went to Odom to judge drama. Why weren't you there young lady. It was neeto. It was a fun and interesting experience. Nicole has major problems. Last week she was saying things about erverted old men that steal underwear. Oh wait that was me telling her about Ranma 1/2. Only one of the most coolest anime series out there. Ho hum. Oh yeah now you must refer to Nicole as Nicole Ho. She says that's what she wants her last name to be, don t ask me why. I guess that's all the space I'm going to take up now. toodles

The Prophet - 11/21/98 01:29:08
City and State: UNKNOWN
Fav. Color: crimson
Fav. Animal: cobra
Fav. School Subject: UNKNOWN

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!

johanne paguio - 11/16/98 19:40:46
City and State: Hong Kong, confused
Age: 14
Fav. Color: blue
Fav. Animal: tiger
Fav. School Subject: BAND RULZES!!!

umm, hello. just wanteed to say hi to all the weirdos out there, so, hello! nice site but please change my pic, it makes me look bad..... your friendly neighborhood maniac, Johanne Paguio p.s.-Joanna is STILL a freak

Elsie - 11/15/98 05:10:14
My URL:this site
City and State: Texas
Age: 14
Fav. Color: Blue

Hey, I just wanted to make sure this new thing is working. Thanks for taking the time to sign this!

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