Favorite Web Sites
The World Wrestling Federation Web Site. I've been a fan since 1983. With Stone Cold Steve Austin and D-Generation X, I''m a bigger fan now!

The American Jurist Web Site. Check out some of my greatest hits as a humor columnist and Editor-in-Chief. Find out why my staff and I were named the second best law school magazine in the country in 1997. Also find out why a bunch of gutless, brownosing punks have turned the Jurist into Whitefish wrapping!

View Askew Productions Web Site. Kevin Smith and his films (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma) are an inspiration to any aspiring screenwriter and filmmaker. The web site is a fantastic spot for any Keven Smith fans!

New York Post Web Site. My life would be empty without my daily dose of the best damn' newspaper in the country, The New York Post!

State University of New York at Stony Brook Web Site. Their web site currently sucks, but it's nice to put up a link for my alma mater that I spent four years of "summer camp" at.

The American University Washington College of Law Web Site. I served my sentence there from 1994-1997, but committed no crime. Since I have nothing nice to say about WCL (besides the Jurist), I won't say anything! But there are a couple of people there that I still would want open a can of whoop ass on!

Richard Cole's Web Site. Richard Cole was an ally and friend at Stony Brook. His sane and insane activities crept up in some of my screenplays. Rich is a photographer now, so get on his web site and demand that he posts pictures of the Whitefish Boy!

Dahlia's Movie Page Web Site. My sister's web page on Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, John Cusack, Kevin Spacey, Matt  Damon, and Ben Affleck.

The Aerosmith Web Site. Many people know my addication to Aerosmith. Heck, the Whitefish Boy's name is from one of their songs ("Bone to Bone: The Coney Island Whitefish Boy" off the Night in the Ruts album). They are the best there is, the best there was, and the best that will ever be.



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