The Video Butcher - Then & Now
The ONLY Website of Todd Clark
Director / Producer / TD / Graphic Artist / Videographer / Editor / Etc...

Since the age of 12, television studios have been the second home to the Video Butcher. He's worn many hats...from director to editor, graphic artist to videographer...even reporter.

Now the Butcher does his dirrrty work butchering newscasts as a producer. Before that he was in darkened satellite trucks on location, editing video while still having enough time to set up the live shot and smoke 'em when he had 'em.

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Good old 1-inch.  When running master control at a station a long time ago, I often thought, what if the machine wanted to get back at the operator and tried to convince them, hey put your finger into the tape hole while I'm rewinding?  Cut me some slack, it was 4am and I was showing 'Battlestar Galactica.'
Remember, the control room is not a love shack.

© 1998 - 2005 Todd Clark / Video Butcher

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