This page is dedicated to the Blessed Mother.

I've always loved Hollywood movies and TV.
But this page is about real life stories of the apparitions of
Our Most Blessed Virgin Mother, Mary.

As you will find out as you surf around the links, your life will change with a peace of the spirit that you never had before.
In each page you will be mesmerized and totaly incorporated in each true story. So sit back and enjoy the ride.
Love, and Light, Marisa

Apparition Links:

1. A complete site on Apparitons of Our Most Holy Mother (check out Garabandal).

2. 33 Days of Consecration to God through Our Heavenly Mother.

3. The place where you can find info on the Divine Mercy.

4. The best site on Divine Mercy! Go to the links!

This Is My First Homepage Dedicated To The Divine Mercy

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© 1997 Marisa
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