Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
What's The Deal?

What's New? and Soon To Come
My Fanfic

"The good end happily and the bad unhappily; that is what fiction means."
Oscar Wilde.

You are SABER Quotes visitor Counter

by ainoarwen
set up 30th July 1999.

Rights to Profiler, to characters Samantha Waters, Bailey Malone and others are owned by Cynthia Saunders, Ian Sander, Kim Moses and Stephen Kronish and Co. I do not own these rights. I receive no material compensation of any kind with this home page.
Thanks to:
Eeva, Jenny, Paula, Sirpa, Debbie, other SABERs, Julie Jekel, Cynthia Saunders, Ally Walker, Robert Davi, Kim Moses, Ian Sander, Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson.