Triva Disney
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Home A. Kathryn Beaumont supplied the voice for which two of the following Disney animate heroines: Alice, Cinderella, Princess Aurora or Wendy?

F. What Disney film starring Denzel Washington is a remake of The Bishop's Wife, starring Cary Grant?

S. What Disney animated feature was named for the musical term that means : the free development of a composition or theme?

P. What was unique about the Special Award Walt Disney received for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the 1939 Academy Awards?

M. Upon entering the Disney-MGM Studios, guest walk down a re-creation of what famous boulevard: Sunset Blvd., Wiltshire Blvd, or Hollywood Blvd.?

A. A rose
F. Darby O'Gill and the Little People, Medicine Man, and The Rock
S. "Pink Elephants on Parade"
P. Bobcat Goldthwaite
M. Sea base Alpha


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Disclaimer This is all in the name of fun and laughter. All I want to do is spread a little laughter and make you smile to make your day better. So smile a little and laugh a little and past it on. It is the best medicine in the world. Mark Twain thought laughter could ever prevent wars.