-tHanKx a miLLion tO
eWeEone who maDe an eFfoRt to sIgn mY gUEstbOok yaHhh-
***mY JoKeS pAg3 hAz b33n uPdaTed
***mY pHotOs aRe uP liAOo
***tHIs page is bEst viEwed wiFf inteRnet eXploRer 4.0... so tHe jaVa caN weRk prOpeRlY i can only finish the homie......after my exams...pmR that is....i'' make a new hommie that is BETTER and i'll link it to this old one
weLL weLL.......weLcome to my one and only hoMmie..i'm quite new in this kinda stuff so I hope i'LL get to noE more fwom u ppl..
FoR starters....I'm 15 and i'm a gurL....i'm skewlinG in s-M-d-Jay.....anD for the time being, i'm iN foRm thRee =)
I hopE
that thiS iS a g00d beginning for it all.
gUess this hommiE of mine is kinda empty....but weLL weLL...this is the first and i hope i'll get better from time to time... i'll also update this page whenever i'm free...
So for those peEpoLe who thinks that this page is empty....I do hope u'll cope up wiFF it tiLL i learn more about making homEpages =)
SoMe oF u people mighT think why oN earth would I waNNa waste my time making a hoMMie like this of mY own.....weLL......i reaLLy don't have a good reaSon.....maybe that's because i haven thought of any yet..... :)
hMmmmmmmmm.......about mYself...well what should I saY?.....
I loVe to do lotsa stuff.....and I luv the coMp... I like playinG iRc tOO.... cuz well....i get to noe many people and frenS...and i beT moSt of u who are hEre visiting my hoMMIe ....are part oF mY iRc frens =)
a miLLion thankS tO my sis who first brought me intO iRc-ing .....
mY nick on iRc is [caThLyn] or [-cAthz-]....u caN find me in #frends, #cyberdate, mY skOol channel #smDj and in my one and only class channel #3merbau..........mY icQ uIn iZ 2136876... feeL freE tO aDD mE oN...
my hoMMIe here might be 'quiTe' b0ring, But hope you'll stay for a moment and check
out the stuFF in here.
if u'll like to noe more about me.....or if you want to giVe me some ideas...dun hesitate t0 maiL me at:-