Titanic:"The Mystery Lives On..."

Note: you can now reach my page by going to http://www.geocities.com/titanicsrose.geo/

Please click this link to rank my site in B2T Visitors' Choice. Thanks alot.

Some people may have heard about the Titanic ride/exhibition now at Fox Studios Australia. As I live in Sydney, I went there for my birthday a few years ago.

I have now put up a section on this page dedicated to the Fox Studio Titanic: the experience. There are a few photos and i will be adding to the page soon

I would really appreciate any feedback you can offer, or other reviews form anyone who has been. Thankyou.

Last updated 26th November 2003!

I'm sorry i haven't updated this page in awhile, and i know a few of my picture and links do not work. But I'm on uni hoplidays now, so i am hoping that i will find some time to majorly update this website. But i have just added the fox studios page, so check it out here. SO hang in there and check back in a few weeks!!

I have been slowly adding better backgrounds to my pages. I have started at my story, and hope to make some more soon.

I changed my background. I hope you like it. It is compliments to Titanicsrose.

Titanic's Rose and Other Stories

You are the Counter Titanic fan to visit my site. Come back again soon.

Please e-mail me at Bite@goplay.com if any of the links are not working. Thanx.

Hello Denise. Thankyou for helping me with our page. Visit it here

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I have writen a story about Rose coming to Australia after Titanic. I have been really interested just writing it and I hope you enjoy it.It is TOTALLY different from Titanic the mystery lives on. To read it, please go to
Rose Down Under
I also have it posted at The Kate and Leo Cafe.

I have a story up that I have stopped writing, but you are still free to read the first parts. To read my NEW story, go to .Rose Down UnderI hope you enjoy it, and please tell me what you think. I have just put Part 13 ,Please check back for part 14 soon.

Welcome to my Titanic page.

I am trying to add some new things to my site and update it regularly. I have been taking a break from writing my story, and will continue on in the Christmas Holidays.

I believe the Mystery of Titanic is still living on in the Form of James Cameron's new movie Titanic. It brings to life the real disaster of April 14 1912. Included in this page there will be many pictures from this movie and also quotes, facts and maybe sounds. Soon it will be filled with information.

My story about Rose coming to Australia.
My photos and review of the Fox Studios Exhibit
The Real J. Dawson
My story about how the mystery lives on for Rose
Things my friends and I have done for Titanic.
See the new sounds I have collected.
Things you may have missed in the movie.
See the great goodies I have collected.
View the webrings I have joined.
View/vote in my polls.
Links to other great Titanic pages.
Lots of Quotes from the movie.
Enter in my competition.
See the awards I have won.
View the webrings I have joined.
My dedication
Website Credits
Inspiring quotes from the cast of Titanic

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MY PAGE URL:"http://www.geocities.com/titanicsrose.geo"

MY BANNER URL: "http://www.geocities.com/titanicsrose.geo/mybanner.jpg"

Thanx Molly for making the lovely banner for me.

If you would like your site listed on the links to sites please e-mail me the HTML for your banner or the link to your site. I would appreciate it alot.

If you have any suggestions or would like to have anything put on my page email me