Welcome to my guestbook. This is what you and other people have thought of my page. Thanks for your input!

Matt B - 11/16/00 20:43:16
My URL:http://members.aol.com/gokoujrgt/
My Email:gokoujrgt@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: The one where Batman saves the kids from the Croc King =)
Your favorite television show: Batman Beyond
Your favorite comic book: Yu Yu Hakusho Manga
Your favorite movie: The Adventures of the American Rabbit (First US released in theatres anime! 1,17,86!)
Your age: 20
Where you're from: Fern Park, FL

Hey! =D Columbia House has all 85 eps of B:ATS on VHS....But they dont have The New Batman Adventures. If anyone here has those eps (86-110) on VHS, please email me! I would like to purchase copies! =D OR! if you have loose Batman figures for sale email me too! I buy PVCs too! ~Matt B GokouJrGT@aol.com Visit my webpage: members.aol.com/gokoujrgt/ The Complete Black Jack Info File on Osamu Tezuka's Favorite Doctor (Osamu Tezuka had the original concepts for "The Iron Giant" and "The Lion King"!)

Cassie and elecia - 10/11/00 21:30:57
Your favorite Batman episode: it would have to be Knight Time
Your favorite television show: The New batman adventures
Your favorite comic book: the one with Dagger and tim
Your age: 14
Where you're from: Indiana

you have a cool site, but they took batman off the air, what is up with that? Well I have most of the shows recorded. My faviorite of them would have to be Tim Drake and Nightwing(hot).

Matt Flores - 09/18/00 06:10:46
My Email:CorSec7@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: "Over the Edge"
Your favorite television show: Batman
Your favorite comic book: "Batman: Knight's End"
Your favorite movie: "Mask of the Phantasm"
Your age: 20
Where you're from: California

Paul Dini and Co. need to animate a Knightfall movie trilogy already. They're the only ones who could do it faithfully.

matthew - 09/10/00 21:51:37
My Email:batman
Your favorite Batman episode: turtles
Your favorite television show: batman


matthew - 09/10/00 21:49:46


Tasia - 08/16/00 03:54:32
My URL:http://harlequinade10.iturfpages.com
My Email:harlequinade10@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Never Fear
Your favorite television show: Batman
Your favorite comic book: Doraemon
Your favorite movie: Lots of them!
Your age: 13
Where you're from: CA

Nice website! Keep up the good work!

Ryan A - 07/28/00 06:06:05
My URL:http://ryangarnold.tripod.com/home.html
My Email:YL_JesusFreak@yahoo.com
Your favorite Batman episode: the one with the first appearance of Man-bat
Your favorite television show: Simpsons
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: X-men
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Oregon

cool site man. love it to bits. I`m working on a batman site called Batman: A Brief History. Hope you like it. Anyways for now visit my homepage linked on here. Cool site, bye

D.J. - 07/03/00 20:33:18
My Email:dj@ezpost
Your favorite Batman episode: Beware of the Creeper.
Your favorite television show: Royal Canadian Air Farce
Your favorite comic book: Nightwing
Your favorite movie: The Searchers
Your age: 36
Where you're from: Canada

I like old movies

wyatt j black - 06/20/00 22:30:26
My Email:katrogo@go.com
Your favorite Batman episode: all of them
Your favorite television show: any batman show
Your favorite movie: batman forever
Your age: 4 and 1/2
Where you're from: wisconsin

my mom's helping me type but I've been a batman fan since I was about 2 years old. My mom used to watch the show and I got hooked. I love all thing BATMAN

Ash - 06/17/00 18:00:28
My Email:nomad_h8@yahoo.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Mr. Frezes first appearance
Your favorite television show: Batman beyond
Your favorite comic book: Batman: Year one
Your favorite movie: Batman Returns
Your age: 21
Where you're from: Ft. Worth, Texas

This is a top notch site I recommend it to any one who likes batman or related characters. Its cool!

rush humphrey - 06/07/00 18:04:58
My Email:eelltoro
Your favorite Batman episode: mad love
Your favorite television show: b.a.
Your favorite comic book: monkeyman & obrien
Your favorite movie: bufallo 66
Your age: 34
Where you're from: the bronx ny

youre site is kinda cool this is the first site ive sent mail to. i love the new batman adventure style ..i am also an artist and i am very much inspired by paul dini and bruce timm i studied at the school of visual arts under will eisner and the late har ey kurtzman .they were cool dudes

luke lam - 05/25/00 13:21:01
Your favorite Batman episode: all batman
Your favorite television show: batman
Your favorite movie: any batman movie
Where you're from: miss.ont.can


steph - 05/25/00 10:15:47
My Email:thumper@witchesbrew.zzn.com
Your favorite Batman episode: all of them
Your favorite television show: batman
Your favorite comic book: dont have one
Your favorite movie: batman (and the second one)
Your age: 16
Where you're from: australia

this site totally rocks its the coolestsite i have been on in a long time!!!! put more pics of batman on!!

Samantha Salinas - 04/16/00 22:07:35
Your favorite television show: BATMAN / ROBIN
Your favorite comic book: BATMAN/ROBIN
Your favorite movie: BATMAN/ROBIN MOVIE
Your age: 12 YEARS OLD
Where you're from: MCALLEN TX.

Im very intrested in your show called batman and robin.Ive seen every episode and movie of batman. I dont have a favorite episode,but i do no that if Ihad one wish before Idied it would be to meet BATMAN.

Joker Inc. - 04/15/00 22:06:49
My URL:http://www.jokerinc.homepad.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Over the Edge
Your favorite television show: BTAS/TNBA
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Highlander
Your age: 25
Where you're from: Michigan

It's to bad that the WB is taking Batman/Superman off of the air. The show and the TOYS will be missed.

Dave - 04/14/00 01:47:09
My Email:Bigcomicfan@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: They all rock
Your favorite television show: M*A*S*H
Your favorite comic book: JLA
Your favorite movie: The Blues Brothers Fav Batman Movie: The First
Your age: 16
Where you're from: Alabama... unfortunately

Nice site. I do wish you would put a full picture gallery of the old drawings from the original Batman animated series. other than that, it all rocks.

Dylan Hutchinson - 04/08/00 16:44:26
My Email:jlbf@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: all of them
Your favorite television show: Batman
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Batman and Robin
Your age: 3 years old
Where you're from: Hillsboro, Oregon


0#fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff - 03/27/00 15:22:49


Luke Andrew Krohn - 03/23/00 08:13:49
My Email:jkrohnj@globalfreeway.com.au
Your favorite Batman episode: All of them
Your favorite television show: Pokemon
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Batman & Robin
Your age: 7years
Where you're from: Warwick, Q. 4370 Australia

I love you batman, and tell robin, i think he is cool! I hope you get a chance to email me. yippee.

mike - 03/21/00 02:01:22
My Email:mdmhotmail.com
Your favorite television show: catdog
Your favorite comic book: garfield
Your favorite movie: jame bone
Your age: 13
Where you're from: washtoning DC


mike - 03/21/00 01:52:56
My Email:mdmhotmail.com
Your favorite television show: catdog
Your favorite comic book: garfield
Your favorite movie: jame bone
Your age: 13
Where you're from: washtoning DC


Sarah - 03/15/00 05:23:38
My Email:faerie4_fly@chickmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Growing Pains
Your favorite television show: Batman Beyond
Your favorite comic book: i read to many to choose
Your favorite movie: see WAY to many to choose
Your age: 14
Where you're from: Canada eh!

AWSOME web site!!!!! i thought it was great to finally see a web page of the new batman so well done! i also am happy that you had much information as well! thanx for making a site that make my time wasted on the computer worth wh

Nick Chavez - 03/11/00 04:45:58
My Email:Electron_Ghost@yahoo.com
Your favorite television show: Simpsons
Your favorite movie: Batman Forever
Your age: 29
Where you're from: Tempe,Az


Harley - 03/08/00 23:50:56
My URL:http://Wild.E.Coyote.acmecity.com
My Email:chandlernmonica2hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: First appearence of Harley Quinn
Your favorite television show: FRIENDS
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Sleepless in Seattle
Your age: 16
Where you're from: New York

I simply love what you've done with the place. Its so you and yet so YOU. Not many people are both Summer and a Winter, but you pull it of nicely. I love harly Quinn. She is my favorite character of all times man. Great site!! I deffantly give it a 10.

Charlie "Poison Ivy" Sayce - 03/01/00 13:21:14
My Email:c_sayce@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Harley & Ivy
Your favorite comic book: Batman the animated series
Your favorite movie: Batman & Robin
Your age: 14
Where you're from: London

Love the site e-mail me please!!!!!!!!!!

Ben - 02/21/00 23:53:12
My Email:bbgg@ldd.net
Your favorite Batman episode: Almost Got "Em
Your favorite television show: Batman: TAS
Your favorite comic book: Detective
Your favorite movie: Batman
Your age: 25
Where you're from: Missouri

Great Sight, I am a fellow Batman fan and have a very large collection of action figures. Maybe you might know the answer to this one, I currently have all of the figures from the Animated Series line and have run into a snag on the New Adventures line, id the company ever actually release Silver Defender Batman, Jet Wing Batman, Battle Shield Nightwing and Waterwing Nightwing, I have never seen these figures anywhere, but some of them show up on the backs of other carded figures and others show up in To magazine lists. Can you help?

Batman - 02/12/00 07:34:16
My Email:batman27@angelfire.com
Your favorite Batman episode: I love them all
Your favorite television show: Batman Superman adventures
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Batman(the first one)
Where you're from: Gotham City

I love this site but there needs to be more pictures of me.

trevor - 02/11/00 00:36:11
Your age: 16
Where you're from: wa

i like your character set up where you have each of there profiles set up------more pictures of each would be even better

Matt - 01/27/00 15:24:19
Your favorite Batman episode: Last Laugh or any joker episode
Where you're from: NY

i love to see the joker gas people an make em laugh

G - 01/26/00 22:16:35
My URL:http://WWW
Your favorite Batman episode: THE WORLED'S FINEST
Your favorite television show: BATMAN BEYOND
Your favorite comic book: THE BATMAN MURDERS
Your favorite movie: DUMB AND DUMBER
Your age: 14
Where you're from: NEWYORK


ERIC - 01/12/00 03:59:19
Your favorite Batman episode: HARD TO SAY.LIKE THEM ALL!!!
Your favorite television show: NOW-FARSCAPE&FRIST WAVE
Your favorite comic book: LIKE TO MANY TO PICK ONE
Your favorite movie: STAR WARS
Your age: 35
Where you're from: ANAHIEM,CA


James - 01/10/00 19:56:35
My Email:unionxjack@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Green Lantern episode
Your favorite television show: Transformers
Your favorite comic book: Green Lantern
Your favorite movie: Transformers
Your age: 25
Where you're from: earth

nice site, please e-mail some time

"Poison Ivy" - 01/07/00 02:10:12
My Email:GUESS!
Your favorite Batman episode: CHEMISTRY
Your favorite television show: The new adventures of Batman/Superman
Your favorite movie: waterboy
Your age: older than you
Where you're from: i don't know,babe, where are you from?

I luv this site!

Celina Kyle - 12/31/99 06:37:14
My URL:http://trak.to/Gotham
My Email:Gotham_14@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: You Scratch My Back- It would have been better if they hadn't double crossed me...her
Your favorite television show: Batman/Superman Adventures
Your favorite comic book: Catwoman

You seem like an interesting person, I should like to meet you, or talk to you. Email me. By the way, I have more pages than that one, that was just the first one that I did.

Geo Craig - 12/29/99 02:58:24
Your favorite Batman episode: Joker,s millions
Your favorite television show: O'Loghlin on saturday night(Australian)
Your favorite comic book: The Batman Adventures "Mad Love"
Your favorite movie: Donnie Brasco
Your age: 14
Where you're from: Canberra, Australia

A very cool site.

Emily - 12/29/99 00:15:58
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/obesses/sma
Your favorite Batman episode: Robin's Reconing, but I like almost any episode with Dick Grayson in it!
Your favorite television show: The X Files
Your favorite comic book: Gotham Adventures
Your favorite movie: The Star Wars Trilogy
Your age: 17
Where you're from: Cincinnati

Nice Page! Check out mine.

Daniel Pettas - 12/26/99 00:45:44
My Email:dp29474n@pace.edu
Your favorite Batman episode: The one where Batgirl dies, but she is dreaming
Your favorite television show: Batman Beyond, son
Your favorite comic book: Wolverine, sorry : (
Your favorite movie: Hard Minimal Techno
Your age: 20
Where you're from: Brooklyn

I don't like the new redesigned Joker in the New Batman, Superman adventures. They took off his lips (That's the most major change). The Joker on the Batman Animated Series was the best Joker ever. To me, the Joker and the symbolism of his character se ve as an important theme in Batman (especially the lips). The Joker's dark clown-like and eccentric nature, his self-decieving psychology, his sadistic personality and sexuality and his believability are all expressed by his lips. I would have made the ips a violet-purple color in the new series (this would have accomplished the purpose of de-transvestatising (my own word), or at least toning it down, the Joker cartoon (in the interests of the narrowly christian-coalition-minded producers), while still etaining a fundamental part of what Batman is). In spite of my complaints, however, the redrawn Joker is still the Joker, he is just not as good as the Batman animated series joker. Anyway, thanks for allowing me to share. Batman Beyond is slammin!!!!! !!!!!

Mark - 12/23/99 22:59:34
My URL:/Athens/Delphi/4024/default.htm
My Email:BatmanIn530@aol.com

Like your site... take a look at mine.

sailor_chibi_saturn - 12/01/99 03:19:18
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/tv/sailor_chibi_saturn/index.html
My Email:sailor_chibi_saturn@gurlmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Robin's Reckoning,p1+2(mostly 1,very angsty!!!)The Terrible Trio(Robin gets blown up!!!),House and Garden(Dick g ts kidnapped!!!)and Demon's Quest(Robin gets kidnapped!!!)
Your favorite television show: B:TAS,Sailor Moon,DBZ,Ronin Warriors,Highlander:The Series,Poltergeist:The Legacy
Your favorite comic book: The Sailor Moon Manga
Your favorite movie: Mortal Kombat,Mortal Kombat:Annihilation
Your age: 13
Where you're from: Louisiana

^_~ LUV!!!LUV!!!LUV!!!LUV!!!LUV!!!

wesley - 11/28/99 16:53:22
Your favorite Batman episode: " maze of the minotuar "
Your favorite television show: " batman beyond "
Your favorite comic book: " gotham adventures "
Your favorite movie: " batman and robin "
Where you're from: sydney, n.s., canada

great site ! I'm a big Riddler fan too!

sailor_chibi_saturn - 11/19/99 21:38:50
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com'tv'sailor_chibi_saturn/index.html
My Email:sailor_chibi_saturn@gurlmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Old Wounds
Your favorite television show: other than TNBA I assume,my favorite show is Hoghlander:The Series
Your favorite comic book: can't find 'em anywhere in Louisiana
Your favorite movie: Mortal Kombat:Annihilation
Your age: 13
Where you're from: Louisiana

Lotsa love 4 da page!!!

kae - 11/07/99 20:57:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/dojo/1437
My Email:kloud97@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: the one when bruce payed to have harvey's operation but he escaped, and in the end, harvey said that bruce was always a true friend :) (i forgot t e title!!)
Your favorite television show: a lot.. but in animation: x-men, the new batman adventures, spiderman, pokemon!!
Your favorite comic book: x-men, uncanny x-men, and ne thing x-men related
Your favorite movie: a lot, but as of now it's meet joe black ;)
Your age: 20
Where you're from: san d.a.go!!

hey wassup!! well i was jes surfing the net lookin for batman pixs.. and i came upon yours.. you have some nice ones ;) then i decided to look at the whole site and i want to commend you, it's a good page!! jes wanted to say good work and keep it up.. com by mine if you have a chance, it's my first one, and it's not really a batman fanatic page, but it'd be kewl if u could stop by and sign the guestbook.. thanks!! later.

Charlie "Ivy" Sayce - 10/22/99 15:10:05
Your favorite Batman episode: The Trial
Your favorite television show: Batman the animated series
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Batman & Robin
Your age: 14
Where you're from: England

Poison Ivy Is The Best Batman Villaness!!!!!

Jeremy - 10/22/99 05:19:17
Your favorite Batman episode: Over the Edge and Old Wounds
Your favorite television show: Batman
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
Your age: 18

I think your page is damn cool, keep updating it because I enjoyed it.

John Charles - 10/18/99 16:57:00
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/mutinysportswear
My Email:mutinysportswear@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Can't pick
Your favorite television show: Batman, and Sports
Your favorite comic book: Batman in Detective comics
Your favorite movie: Clockwork Orange
Your age: 22
Where you're from: Philadelphia

Nice sight! Check mine out!

Max Persson - 10/11/99 18:17:10
My Email:jaws_1000@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: The Trial
Your favorite television show: I Don t know
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Batman
Your age: 13
Where you're from: Sweden

The best Batman page

- 10/11/99 18:10:56


- 10/01/99 22:26:22
My Email:aol
Your favorite Batman episode: growing pains
Your favorite television show: batman
Your favorite comic book: batman
Your favorite movie: batman
Where you're from: new jersey

in the growing pains a girl comes in robin life

Thomas - 09/27/99 22:30:33
My Email:Fragrock57@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Over the Egde
Your favorite television show: Batman/superman
Your favorite comic book: batman
Your favorite movie: STAR WARS
Your age: 10
Where you're from: AZ.


Beachdude - 09/27/99 01:08:58
My URL:http:// i use to have one
My Email:blue@poboxes.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Any With Nightwing
Your favorite television show: The New Batman Adventures/M*A*S*H
Your favorite comic book: Batman Gotham Adventures
Your favorite movie: Batman And Robin Batman 5
Your age: 14 turn 15 in Oct 16
Where you're from: Crawfordville

im a Big Fan of The Show i love BTAS including the Figures and i love the Figures of TNBA im about to get Undercover Bruce Wayne Nightwing Robin and Arstic Blast Robin i love to collect every BTAS TNBA Super Powers Batman Beyond and Batman And Robin Movie Figures i really mostly adore Nightwing hes da man

Tim Drake - 09/27/99 00:59:49
Your favorite Batman episode: All of Them
Your favorite television show: The Batman Adventures
Your favorite comic book: Batman Beyond
Your favorite movie: Batman And Robin
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Gotham City

thank you everybody for adoring me its nice to have fans who like me

barbara - 09/24/99 20:42:10
My Email:brevel
Your age: 18
Where you're from: washington

both of my little brothers love your show

barbara - 09/24/99 20:39:17


barbara - 09/24/99 20:39:16


Craig Larman - 09/22/99 05:54:38
My Email:poppywalo@aol.com
Your favorite television show: Batman/Batman beyond
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your age: 27
Where you're from: New York

Great website!! Keep up the good work.

Ulises - 09/21/99 00:01:14
My URL:http://come.to/tdb
My Email:trilogia_db@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Mad Love
Your favorite television show: Dragon Ball, Batman:TAS
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: The Empire Strikes Back
Your age: 17
Where you're from: Mexico

It`s realley good seea a good Batman TAS page (the oficials sites sucks), In Mexico I watch Batman in "el canal warner", with all Batman TAS, Adventures of Batman and Robin and New Batman Adventures episodes, and somes from Batman Beyond. The toy line by Kenner/hasbro is very good.

Cassie Ippel - 08/26/99 00:35:49
Your favorite Batman episode: Growing pains
Your favorite television show: The All New Batman Superman Adventures
Your age: 13
Where you're from: Indiana

My favorite person of their gang is Tim Drake. I try to watch it every day. My family is sick of Batman,becase I watch it every day and tell them about it. Awsome web page!!!

Alex - 08/13/99 12:50:59
My Email:apaj490203@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: COLD COMFORT
Your favorite television show: Seinfeld/New Batman Adventures
Your favorite comic book: Batman Detective
Your favorite movie: Amadeus
Your age: 26
Where you're from: New York City

Just wanted to say that this web site is a lot of fun. I am a big Batman fan, especially of the New Batman Adventures on TV. It is nice to know that many other adults share the same feeling. I personaly feel that the not just the art, but the writing in the series make the show such a success.

Jeff - 08/09/99 05:58:42
My Email:Flyxpika84@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Old Wounds
Your favorite television show: New Batman Adventures
Your favorite comic book: Nightwing
Your favorite movie: 6th sense
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Long Island, New York

great site~!!!Im glad i could find a site like your with the summary of my fav. episode and I could hear your opinions on the episodes.

Mathew Watson - 06/28/99 16:46:31
Your favorite Batman episode: I am not sure
Your favorite television show: X files,Batman Beyond
Your favorite comic book: I am not sure
Your favorite movie: The X Files and Mask Of The Phantasm
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Pennsylvania

I think you have done a wonderful job on this site.I like youre episode guide probably the best.

Michael Bardot - 06/26/99 23:55:31
My Email:rouve49@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Harley Quinn ones
Your age: 30!!!!
Where you're from: England

Love the page! yeah I know I'm too old to like cartoons but I do and the Batman ones are the best! I'd love to hear from anyone who has the animated series on tape because I'd love to have them too! Call me sad, but hey, I figure it's great entertainment nd that's what I'm after. Thank you for your site, it's been interesting especially to find out how many episodes there are and how the ownership has changed. Much appreciated. Michael.

lisy - 05/07/99 23:32:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Lot/6401/BatPage.html
My Email:Harlequinade36@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Dream in darkness
Your favorite television show: Batman:tas,taob&r,tnba
Your favorite comic book: Batman: year 1/2
Your favorite movie: Batman:Mask of the Phantasm
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Holland

!!Pretty cool page!! Mine is nothing compared with yours!!

Art Visaya - 05/06/99 04:56:32
My Email:DreamKnight@compuserve.com
Your favorite Batman episode: I am the Night
Your favorite television show: Batman TAS/TNA
Your favorite comic book: Batman Adventures/Superman Adventures
Your favorite movie: Batman
Your age: 28
Where you're from: Honolulu, Hawaii

Great site! I haven't seen all the episodes from the 2nd season of TNA though..thanks for the info. I kinda work like Batman though. I work during the day. And I suit up as a businessman at night running an e-commerce and franchise company. I can relate to Bruce. I'm wondering if you post other people's artwork? I would like to share mine.

chase serene - 02/21/99 16:58:57
My Email:liarliar@camalott.com
Your favorite Batman episode: the man who KILLED batman
Your favorite television show: batman the adventures
Your favorite comic book: batmanbeyond
Your favorite movie: scooby doo on zombie island
Where you're from: tx

i like it

Spidey (lets leave it at that) - 12/07/98 00:13:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/9360/index.html
My Email:spideyax@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Sins of the father
Your favorite television show: Pokemon
Your favorite comic book: Spiderman (gotta love it)
Your favorite movie: Project Blue Battle Gray (an anime Movie)
Your age: 14
Where you're from: Gotham

I like your site cause my favorite character is Timmy and I couldn't find the picture of him in his Robin costume. I'm kinda new at this batman thing cause I'm more of a spiderman person but I'm begining to enjoy it. Thanks a lot and hope to meet ya peop e. bye =)

wilson - 11/14/98 17:20:33
Your favorite Batman episode: beware the creeper
Your favorite television show: batman
Your favorite comic book: batman adventures
Your age: nine


- 11/09/98 19:28:11


kathryn - 11/09/98 02:09:17
My Email:kathryn_p_stone@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: everyone
Your favorite television show: everyone
Your favorite comic book: all of them
Your favorite movie: all of the batman movies
Your age: 15
Where you're from: oklahoma

hi bob kane the creator is my great uncle if you would like to talk e-mail me!

kathryn - 11/09/98 02:07:16
My Email:kathryn_p_stone@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: everyone


C. Carney - 11/08/98 22:36:48
My Email:tark_carney@msn.com
Your favorite television show: Batman: The Animated Series
Your favorite comic book: Deadpool/Preacher/Nightwing
Your favorite movie: Color of Money
Your age: 23
Where you're from: Florida


Evan - 11/05/98 22:06:36
My URL:I'm not sure what an URL is. It sounds like the sound you make when you're sick.
My Email:I don't have an e-mail adress yet
Your favorite Batman episode: Over the Edge
Your favorite television show: TNBA
Your favorite comic book: Batman Gotham adventures
Your favorite movie: Batman, 1989
Your age: 11 and a half
Where you're from: Rochester, NY

I like your web page a lot. I don't have cable, so I use your index of Batman episodes to see what happened. my Grandparents have Kids' WB, so I watch it sometimes at their house. I really like to draw, too. When I grow up, I want to design action figures for Kenner. I collect action figure, but only the ones that appeared on the cartoon. I probably shuldn't be telling you all this crap. I bet you're bored. we are a lot alike. I really like to draw and paint. I've liked Batman since I was two years old. I still have the first action figure, a batman, that I ever got. I didn't notice anything wrong with your page except maybe a few insignificant spelling errors in the episode guide, but other than that, your page was awesome!!!

Felix Leiter - 10/26/98 02:39:55
My Email:cnwitkow@concentric.net
Your favorite Batman episode: Never Fear (what a great dynamic!)
Your favorite television show: The Simpsons
Your favorite comic book: Avengers
Your favorite movie: toss-up of Bond flicks
Where you're from: NY

Hey, thanks for directing me to your great site!

Koji - 10/25/98 22:27:10
My Email:KNIGHTW5@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: "over the egde"(so far)
Your favorite television show: tnba(o course)
Your favorite comic book: "gotham adventures"(o course)
Your favorite movie: "george of the jungle"
Your age: 13(bday is nov.25)
Where you're from: oklahoma

excellent site. i too play the trumpet and it kicks @$$. too bad i lost 1st chair recently and was bumped to 3rd chair =( oh well. if you need any help with the site just email me , and i'll see what i can do. oh, get a crimefighter robin action figure now that he is rereleased.

10/25/98 00:59:19
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Megan - 10/09/98 00:01:30
My Email:Zegula
Your favorite Batman episode: Anyone with Scarface
Your favorite television show: Batman & Superman
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your age: 13
Where you're from: Michigan


Brooke - 10/05/98 20:53:26
My URL:http://this page sucks.com
My Email:raine21@juno.com
Your favorite Batman episode: That one with that guy adn that girl! YA KNOW
Your favorite television show: um..TV?
Your favorite comic book: oh BARBIE
Your favorite movie: Selena, Annie, etc...
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Picktown , Ohio

Nice Webpage Aaron but don't you have something better to do with your life no j/k! hahahaha sorry! hehe bye

Kirk - 10/04/98 20:10:04
My Email:mistahkirk
Your favorite Batman episode: Over the Edge
Your favorite television show: The New Batman/Superman Adventures
Your favorite comic book: Batman
Your favorite movie: Batman
Your age: 17
Where you're from: California


Mary - 10/03/98 19:32:41
My Email:KAMEKO_80@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: most of them
Your favorite television show: Sailor Moon
Your favorite comic book: Witchblade
Your favorite movie: which one??
Your age: 17
Where you're from: Virginia

Neato site! Batman is so cool! I really hated that old show from the 60's. It had a cool song though, "Da-da-da Batman!" Anyway, I'm digressing, thanks for a great source of B. info.

McLevine 1 - 09/27/98 15:31:29
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mclevine1/html/index.html
My Email:mclevine1@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: (don't have one - they're all good)
Your favorite television show: The Simpsons/The New Batman Animated Series
Your favorite comic book: Batman: Gotham Adventures
Your favorite movie: World's Finest
Your age: 12
Where you're from: Florida

I have been looking for a page just like your ever since the new animated series started. I love your page! Check out mine!

James 'Kids'WB!' Hrvey - 09/07/98 02:11:48
My Email:bludhaven@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: HEART OF ICE(duh!)
Your favorite television show: BATMAN/SUPERMAN(duh!)
Your favorite comic book: A tie between Superman Adventures and Batman:Gotham Adventures
Your favorite movie: Well..it's not ARMAGGEDON anymore.Any animated Bat-flick
Your age: can't tell.Only the Shadow knows.
Where you're from: The greta white North..er...Canada.

Hey, Great website as I've said before and you should be getting an email from me very soon(and I mean really soon after I write this).I like the layout but you should make it frames capable.The fron page takes to long for me to load and such.Plus it would bea cool visual to have a completely bacl page with the TNBA logo and under it have 'frames capable' or 'non-frames'

regis - 09/03/98 15:22:40

there will be 14 episodes total this season. 11 will be shown in the fall and 3 will be shown in the summer. here are the 11 episodes that will be shown in the fall. 1. OLD WOUNDS 2. THE ULTIMATE THRILL 3. ANIMAL ACT 4. BEWARE THE CREEPER 5. GIRL'S NIGHT OUT 6. CHEMISTRY 7. MAD LOVE 8. CRITTERS 9. CULT OF THE CAT 10. JUDGMENT DAY 11. LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT

regis - 09/03/98 15:21:19


Erica - 09/02/98 02:34:42
My Email:leapordqueen@webtv.net
Your favorite television show: x-files\ millenium
Your favorite comic book: batman
Your favorite movie: amadeus
Your age: 27
Where you're from: Delaware


Jan Smith - 08/26/98 23:23:12
My Email:janetsmith4@juno.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Anything with catwoman. Eartha Kitt was something else! Still is, even at age 75.
Your favorite television show: Whose line is it anyway?
Your favorite movie: Sleepless in Seattle. It's a chick flick. Sorry.
Your age: Classified secret. But, I did go to college with your dad.
Where you're from: Canton.

Hi Aaron. I got a very nice letter from your dad, in which he gave me your web site so I could check out your artwork. Congratulations on your awards at the state fair. Glad to hear you're playing in the band. Music is a very important activity for oung people, I believe. Some of my best memories are of the times your dad and I had singing together at Capital. Please tell him and your mom hello for me. Glad to have a chance to see what you're up to. Jan Smith

Michael a.k.a. Batboy - 08/17/98 22:08:27
My Email:batboym@imt.net
Your favorite Batman episode: Any with Nightwing
Your favorite television show: Batman
Your favorite comic book: none
Your favorite movie: Star Wars
Your age: 11
Where you're from: Montana

Pretty cool page. I could probaly help you on some facts though.

The Joker - 08/14/98 23:28:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/8089
My Email:joker_at_arkham@yahoo.com
Your favorite Batman episode: "Heart of Ice"
Your favorite television show: "Dr. Katz

Great Page, I'll link you on my Next Update! FINALLY A DECENT PAGE ABOUT TNBA!! Stop by The "Arkham Society"!!

Eric Bischoff - 08/12/98 14:11:54
Your favorite Batman episode: you scratch my back
Your favorite television show: nypd blue
Your favorite comic book: batman
Your favorite movie: midnight run
Where you're from: detroit

this is a good website. I have some news for you. The season opener will be on september 19th and it will be Old Wounds, the episode where tim drake asks dick grayson why he and bruce don't get along anymore. Also there is an episode called "Animal Act" where batman and nightwing team up.

Marionette (...Again) - 08/08/98 06:46:14
My URL:http://www.speakeasy.org/~erika/marionette.htm
My Email:erika@speakeasy.org

My URL didn't come through completely in my last entry. I'm bored, so I'll resubmit it. http://www.speakeasy.org/~erika/marionette.htm Mari

Marionette - 08/08/98 06:43:34
My URL:http://www.speakeasy.org
My Email:erika@speakeasy.org
Your favorite Batman episode: Er..Uh....do HAFTA to choose?
Your favorite television show: Heh, don't get TV anymore
Your favorite comic book: Gotham Adventures, Bone, Elfquest, etc
Your favorite movie: Contact, Pupl Fiction, True Romance
Your age: 15
Where you're from: (Seattle)

Spiffy, spiffy page! I'll keep checkin back. Oh, add more fanart! =) ~~Marionette (Or Erika...Whichever!)

Scott Sanders - 08/02/98 23:10:50
My Email:lobizon@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Haven't seen any of the new ones, but I liked the ones with Joker the best, except for "To be a clown" or something like that, I've seen it too ma y times
Your favorite television show: I don't watch a whole of TV
Your favorite comic book: Don't read them any more, I used to like X Men
Your favorite movie: Lots: Con Air, the Rock, Braveheart, The Star Wars Trilogy, The Indiana Jones Movies, Saving Private Ryan, etc., etc.
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Pickerington, Ohio

Well done Aaron! You've certainly improved your web design skills. I think that this site is above and beyond your roller coaster one, even though the subject matter has little intrest to me. But I am going to watch a couple of the shows you told me about hopefully they're as good as you said. So good job, and keep making sites.

James Harvey - 07/24/98 18:58:51
My Email:bludhaven@hotmail.com
Your favorite Batman episode: HEART OF ICE
Your favorite television show: THE NEW BATMAN/SUPERMNA ADVENTURES (DUH!)
Your favorite movie: Currently ARMAGEDDON
Your age: 17
Where you're from: Good 'ol Canada!

Hey! Great start on the site and I can't wait to see the sections completed!I'll no doubt be going back to this page from time to time.The layout to the page is just as awesome!This will be a huge site I can tell.

Simon - 07/20/98 03:44:09
My URL:http://I feel obligated to write this since you asked me to
My Email:LordGAW@aol.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Well, I like any one with the Joker, Mad Hatter, or Riddler, but I think my favorites are the ones where Bruce Wayne goes in a dream and he's not atman, and the one where he goes in a dream and he plays chess or something with the Riddler. Dunno the names
Your favorite television show: Don't watch much TV
Your favorite comic book: Never read a comic book before
Your favorite movie: Lots- Rock, Star Wars films, As Good As It Gets, Blazing Saddles, Caddyshack
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Ohio

It's alright, but I like the old ones better and I wish this page was about them instead of the new ones on the WB.

" Mr. Kirk " - 07/20/98 02:34:59
My Email:MistahKirk
Your favorite Batman episode: " Over the Edge "
Your favorite television show: Batman & Superman
Your favorite comic book: Batman Adventures
Your favorite movie: Batman:Mask Phantasm
Your age: 17
Where you're from: California

good job!

Aaron Maurer - 07/17/98 13:36:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/5158/
My Email:hangingcoaster@geocities.com
Your favorite Batman episode: Heart of Ice
Your favorite television show: The X-Files
Your favorite comic book: Batman: Gotham Adventures
Your favorite movie: The X-Files
Your age: 15
Where you're from: Pickerington, OH

I hope you like my site. I'm frequently updating, so come back often!

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