This page contains pictures and information about the people who bring us The New Batman Adventures each week! Also, if you have any more information (or better pictures) of any of the creators here, or any information/pictures for Hilary J. Bader, Robert Goodman, Stan Berkowitz, Ty Templeton, Rick Burchett, or Terry Beatty, PLEASE e-mail me.

Paul Dini is a vetran writer of many animated programs over the years. After working on "Tiny Toons," he was recruted to help create Batman: The Animated Series for Fox. He wrote most of the "Batman bible" used to guide the creation of the show. He has written many of the series' great episodes including "Heart of Ice," "Harley and Ivy," and "The Man Who Killed Batman." His current projects include The New Batman/Superman Adventures, as well as the upcoming "Batman Beyond."

Bruce Timm is the man who created every new character design for The New Batman Adventures. After collaborating with several other artists on the designs for the original Batman: The Animated Series, Timm directed some episodes including "Heart of Ice" and "The Laughing Fish." He designed the characters for Superman: The Animated Series, which led him to "streamline" the character designs for Batman. He is also designing the characters for the upcoming "Batman Beyond."

Alan Burnett was brought on the Batman: The Animated Series staff after Paul Dini wrote the bible for the show, but had some prior obligations and couldn't start work on the show right away. Burnett has helped guide the show and is a major force behind its creation. He has written and co-written many episodes for the series, as well helping to guide it. He also helped create the Superman animated series for Kids WB. He is currently helping create the upcoming "Batman Beyond."

NOTE: All photographs on this page were scanned from Wizard: The Guide to Comics Magazine, and are therefore property of the Wizard Entertainment Group.