Leonardo's Quotes
Girls. Have you ever thought you and Leo were a match made in heaven? Well, here's where you can see if it's true. Check out how many of these you agree with. Oh, and by the way, I LOVE commenting, so if you get sick of hearing me go on, just skip all the stuff in the parenthesis.
- A guy hears a knock on his door. He answers it. There's nobody there, but he looks down and sees a snail. So he picks up the snail and throws it as far as he can. Three years later there's a knock on the door. He answers it, and there's the same snail. And the snail says "What the fuck was that all about?"
- My dad's probably one of the kindest people in the world. When I was younger that's not how I was-I was a little spoiled brat.
- My grandfather died in 1995. That was very depressing for me, and my dog Rocky died, our family dog, it was like our year of misery.
- My mother is a walking miracle...She was in World War II in Germany and she had so many brushes with death. My mother is cool.
- My mother is cool. She really doesn't care about this whole thing (fame), she truly doesn't. She separates herself from it. She's the only one who genuinely cares for what I do as a person, and doesn't make my career out to be more than a job, which is what it is. If I worked a nine-to-five office job, she'd feel the same way and have the same enthusiasm.
- My parents are so a part of my life that they're like my legs or something. I couldn't see myself functioning without either of them. Friends and family are really who I am. Everything else is hype or fabrication. If my fans really knew me, they wouldn't be impressed.
- My parents are so a part of my life...and it wasn't like they created a false good time-that they went out of their way to show me fabulous things. It was just that they were around and they were great.
- About his parents: Whatever I did would be something they'd already done. I mean, my dad would welcome it if I got a nose ring.
- My dad's one of the kindest guys in the world, and he's taught me how to be a truly loving person; and my mother is just plain cool!
- My dad has always been there for me. I've never missed out on the so-called normal father-son relationship because I saw him anytime I wanted. We always had a lot of fun together.
- We're not the hippie family who only eats organic, and the children meditate and go to a school of the arts, but we're not apple-pie and Republican, either.
- My dog Rocky is probably one of the most unfortunate hounds in the world. He was the runt of the litter, got stolen and was almost sold to the black market when he was two. He has constant seizures, and he's on medication, and now we've just found out he has cancer. My mom treats him like a new-born child, so he's happy.
- Leo on his friends: We party and play video games. We're all a bunch of daredevils so we're always challenging each other to things like bungee jumping or sky diving. It's how I keep my head straight. They were so important to me on the sets of Romeo & Juliet and Titanic.
- I don't make a big effort to look good. I do have a sense of my own style-but lately, I havn't cared that much.
- I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy. I'm definitely an individual.
- I want to take my time with each role. That's how you plan a long career rather than doing it all at once in a big explosion. I turned down a lot of movies abut death and a few cheesy little comedies as well.
- The best thing about acting is that I get to lose myself in another character and actually get paid for it. It's a great outlet. As for myself, I'm not sure who I am. It seems that I change evey day.
- I'm just starting to scratch the surface of what really makes me happy and it's taken me a while to admit that acting like a little child and being a jerk and a punk is fun.
- I'm not really the quiet type, although some people think I am. But I'm the rebel type in the sense that I don't think I'm like everyone else. I try to be an individual.
- I'm shy, but when the time comes to be wild, I am. I'm fun-loving, adventurous and mysterious.
- One of my passions is to meet people and then imitate them. I love doing that.
- I'm the cheapest bastard in the world.
- Dark green is my favorite color. It's the color of nature and the color of money and the color of moss.
- Some people don't get it when I'm being sarcastic.
- Having fun is a huge priority for me.
- Leo on his favourite candy:I don't know, I've always been kinda fond of M&M's. Especially the Green ones cause when you look at 'em, you just know they're better than the rest.
- What I really wanted to do was to travel and see all the different animals that were on the verge of extinction.
- I'm absolutely clean. I've never tried anything. That's not a lie!
- I've been wearing this since I was 18. It's the most masculine one I could find, the most discreet.--Leo on the tiny wire headband he uses to hold back his hair (I think it's cute:)
- I am friends with Demi. Don't believe everything you read.
- On a bad experience with a fan, "This girl came up and said, 'I'm your biggest fan. Give me your t-shirt.' I told her, 'I'm not giving you this t-shirt off my back, I'm playing basketball. I'll give you an autograph or something, but that's about it.' Ten minutes later she gets her mother to come and tell me she has a daughter dying of cancer in a hospital and that I should sign my t-shirt to her. So, trying to be a nice guy, I did." As the woman disappeared around the corner, Leo remembered the girl had told him she had been a car crash victim, and she didn't say cancer, so he followed the mother and daughter and found them around the corner laughing about duping Leonardo DiCaprio. "It really bummed me out. It's like I'm not even there, like I'm just some mechanical thing walking around that isn't really human. I took it really personally."
- A lot of actors have problems with people approaching them, but I've never minded it. What's the worst thing that could happen? Unless someone's going to be violent, the worst is that somebody's going to want an autograph, or shake your hand, or talk to you for a couple of seconds--and that's never harmed anyone. It's a small price to pay for the kind of work I get to do. I know I've had more fun being famous that I would've had otherwise.
- I used to take everything to heart, when the things they said about me were detrimental to me, I thought it would kill me. But stuff keeps changing all the time, and now I'm cool about it, I just think it's weird to watch it all happen.
- One day you're hot and the next you're not, it's easy to fall into the trap.
- I don't want to be thought of as a party animal. You know, the stereotypical young actor. I'm not like that.
- I don't know if people are staring because they recogize me or because they think I'm a weirdo. (How about 'cuz you're gorgeous?:)
- I won't stay cooped up in a hotel room. Most famous people don't go out. I don't want to become a strange person. I don't want to give up the life I already have. My career should adapt to me.
- I think I tried to entertain those journalists. I wanted to show them I'm a good guy. Well, that didn't go over very well- Leo on early interviews
- I don't care about being a star, I'm concerned about being an actor.
- People want you to to be a crazy out-of-control teen brat. They want you miserable, just like them. They don't want heroes, what they want is to see you fall.
- The last thing I want to turn into is a fat Hollywood jerk. I was brought up without much money and I was happy. I don't think that I will strive for money or success and end up greedy or big-headed. That only leads to unhappiness. I can still be down-to-earth and do this job as long as I enjoy it.
- People get into trouble trying to force themselves into adulthood. I'm still going to do whatever teenage roles I can. After all, I'll never be able to play those roles again.
- On how he reacts so well to being famous: I just take it one day at a time but I can't say that I won't be in a loony bin someday.
- I've just decided that it doesn't matter what people think or say, as long as I feel good about what I'm doing.
- About being online: Sometimes I like to go on just to see what people are saying about me. I get a kick out of that. (Hi Leo! E-Mail me!>)
- I know it's important to direct where you want to go with fame but the main thing for me is to just maintain my life with my family and friends. They treat me like Leo, not 'Leonardo, Master Thespian.' That's all I need to maintain my sanity.
- I want to be a jerk like the rest of my friends, and have fun, and not care about the consequences, but I just can't now. (Aww, poor Leo. Loosen your strangle hold on the guy! He's human. He's not Super-Actor-Perfect-Man! He can go clubbing, drink himself into oblivion and get decorated by every single model there is if he wants to without the entire free-world breathing down his neck. There's a major difference between us true fans worrying about him and smearing all over the press every trip-up he makes. There I've said my piece:>)
- I'd feel really alienated if my mother or my dad or my friends started kissing my ass.
- It's (being a celebrity is) not something I'm entirely ecstatic about. I'm just going to have to deal with the consequences, which isn't the worst thing in the world. It's not like people attacking you with butcher knives--it's people wanting to speak to you, get a picture or an autograph. Maybe now I have to be a little more conscious of what I do. But I won't ever be a weird recluse.
- On people saying he's going to die early like River Pheonix: I plan on being around for a while.
- At the end of the day, I know I've had more fun being famous than I would've had otherwise. The attention I'm getting, having people I respect admire me...hey! It's not bad for a kid from East Hollywood.
- The pressure's much more intensive now, no question about it. But it's not so much pressure to be a good actor, as pressure to stay sane.
- If you ever hear of any incident about me-a fight, a change of clothes, a little extra gel in the hair-don't believe it 'til you talk to me.(If only we could Leo. God, if only it was that easy!:)
- It gets to the point of when you're hot, you're hot and when you're not, you're not. It's so true. I have to slow down.
- If you can do what you do and be happy, you're further along in life then most people.
- I insist on keeping a level head. I've maintained the same exact home life that I've had for 20 years. All I see is more people looking at me than before. But, you know, who cares? You just can't obsess yourself with this fame stuff.
- The longer I can maintain a clear head and remain sane, the better, because this is something I want to be doing for a long time. I'm just trying to remain a kid off-screen, you know? In Hollywood, you're put into an adult world and expected to become a grown-up all of a sudden. But I don't even know who I am yet. I'm still learning about myself.
- When he was six, Leonardo's father suggested that he should lose his virginity. According to Leo, he wasn't very fond of the idea and told his father "Shut up dad, I don't want to try it. I'm gonna do all my homework instead."
- On his childhood neighboorhood: There were sex shops and motels near by. It was a rough neighborhood but a cool one to grow up in. I saw real life from a very early age. I think that has helped me as an actor.
- What I would do in order to be popular was, I'd put myself on the line and joke around and be funny, and I was always known as the crazy kid.
- As a little kid growing up in Hollywood I was called 'a little crazy.' And now I guess I'm still that way.
- I was always the kid in school who tried to get attention, not necessarily the class clown, but I'd do little unexpected performances.
- I grew up in a pretty tough neighborhood in Hollywood--that was the tough part of my life. I just had to stay tough myself and develop a plan for doing something better with my life than what the kids were doing around me. I didn't want to waste my life.
- On living alone: It's a weird adjustment because you don't realize how much you really miss Mumsie until she's not there. (Mumsie?)
- All you math teachers that scolded me my whole life...Ha ha! I laugh!
- I like my name, even though in school they used to call me Leonardo Retardo. (I bet they're kicking the shit out of themselves now. Well Pricks, Leonardo Retardo is now a multi-millionare and you're flippin' burgers. Ahh, I looove divine retribution:>)
- I think what I liked best about my childhood was the repetitiveness of the things we did. I think when you're a kid, and you do a whole bunch of things, see a thousand different things, it's all a blur and you really don't remember anything. But we did the same things-went to the same museums, took the same pony rides-and those things have become locked in my memory as one good experience.
- My parents are so a part of my life or something . . . And it wasn't like they created a false good time-that they went out of their way to show me fabulous things. It was just that they were around and they were great.
- School, I never truly got the knack of. I could never focus on things I didn't want to learn.
- (talking to reporter)" This is where I stole a pack of gum. I stopped after that because I believe in karma."
- It's Chewbacca (Favorite Star Wars character). I was real young when I first saw the movie, but I was fascinated by him. I also had my own little Ewok village to play with.
- As a little kid growing up in Hollywood, I was called 'a little crazy'. And now I guess I'm still that way.
- When I was young, I used to have this thing where I wanted to see everything. I used to think, 'How can I die without seeing every inch of this world?'
- I cheated a lot, because I just couldn't sit and do homework. I usually sat next to someone extremely smart.
- Drugs? Everybody has a choice, and I choose not to do drugs. Period. I don't do drugs and I never have. I hate them and I've seen the side effects of what they do since I was very young. The only drugs I've ever tried are Marijuna and alcohol and I haven't done marijuna for a year 'cause it makes me sad, it makes me think about all the bad things in my life. If any of my friends start doing drugs, they're going to hear about it from me.(I got this from the Leonardo DiCaprio album and am not sure if this is true or not. There's a quote further up on the page where he says he's completly clean. I would believe that one because the source of this one isn't exactly reputable.)
- On going to college: Fuck no! No way! Shit!! I'm happy the way I am. I don't want to complicate stuff. I'm not a superboy!
- I hate speaking in front of a large audience. I don't know where it came from, but it's just this gut-wrenching fear of slipping up and doing something horrible. (On the same note, in BBD, the last scene is where he reads a poem to a coffee-house type place. I heard somewhere that that totally freaked him out and it took several takes because he kept freezing up. There's another quote-where is that one? I thought it was on here-where he says something like this, 'no one was happier for Dustin Hoffman than me when he won the Oscar. I was dreading going onto the stage. I was praying I didn't win.)
- I hate this whole hunk thing! I feel when I see myself in that, and these other cute faces, that I'm just part of this meat factory, like, 'Wow! Here's the hunk of the month! This month we're shoving Leonardo DiCaprio down your throat! Isn't he cute? Let's put him on the cover and we'll sell so many more magazines.' That's definitely not what I want to be, and I've tried real hard to get away from that whole situation. (Wow, he's cute and he has integrity to boot!)
- I have the same problem as Edward Furlong. I'm so thin!
- I hate baths. I can't stand being submerged in water. (A new way to tell if Leo is in the area. Sniff the air. If you smell B.O. it's either Leo or a bum! Oh my God. Nobody take that the wrong way. It was a joke!)
- I absolutely refuse to miss a Lakers game. They're great ball players and fascinating to watch. (Sorry Leo, but the Knick's would kick the Laker's asses any day!)
- Death freaks me out. I don't know about an afterlife. I'm not religious, you know. I'm not an atheist, but I've never had a religion. (Me too. The thing that I really love about Leo is that I read quotes and I'm just stunned by how much we have in common)
- I hate talk shows, and you know what? I'm never going to do one again. (Ahh, that's too bad for the fans, but we'll try our best to understand)
- Bridget Hall and I hung out for a week. The whole thing was blown out of proportion. (I'm sure something hung out. I trully could not help it. I'm sorry! I believe you Leo:>)
- On how to make a girl notice him: I'd flash her a smile. Or say 'You're that girl from that hair commercial! You look sensational.' (Uhh, in the crowds that Leo hangs with it probably would be 'that girl from that hair commercial!':>)
- I'm not a drinker or a womanizer. But I like it when the women chase me. (Well you're getting chased ALL the time now. We like fulfilling your wishes:>P Oh, you didn't mean it literally?)
- I don't have emotions about a lot of things. I rarely get angry, I rarely cry. I guess I do get excited a lot, but I don't get sad and emormously happy. I think a lot of people who talk about all that crap are lying. Right now I'm just trying to maintain happiness-that's all I really care about. Anyway, when you're my age and your hormones are kicking in, there's not much besides sex that's on you're mind.
- I'd definitely say that when I'm alone with a girl, I'm doing the baby voices, all that stuff, rubbing noses, the teddy bear thing-I'm getting embarrassed now! (Oh, you were just getting good! Do go on)
- The first kiss I had was the most disgusting thing in my life. The girl injected about a pound of saliva into my mouth, and when I walked away I had to spit it all out.
- I remember the 'Checkered Demon'. He's this little devil with this three-foot dong that just porks everybody. And that was my idea of what sex was about. And I was, 'Oh, wow! I can't wait!' (The whoziwhat?)
- People always like to make up stories. I am not planning on getting married. Then again, I might wake up tomorrow and decide to get married!
- I was about sixteen when I learnt how to flirt and I had a bit of a routine going on.
- My first date was with this little Spanish beautiful girl named Cessi. We had this beautiful relationship over the phone all summer. And then she came home and we went to the movies for the first time. I wanted it to be so perfect. So I put on this light-blue turtleneck, which I thought was cool at the time. When I saw Cessi I was petrified, I couldn't even look at her. We went to see "When Harry Met Sally", and I couldn't move for 2 hours. I was at peace because she was watching the movie. Then afterwards, I remember we went to this restauraunt and had these french-dip sandwiches. The only thing I knew how to do was make fun of her and she got all freaked out. I remember she said 'Do you have a problem with me eating this sandwich?' And that was our first and last date. I was in love with her for a year, but she wouldn't even talk to me. Every 2 weeks she had library study, and I'd ditch class because that was the only place where I knew she'd be. But I couldn't go near her because I was so mortified.
- Girls don't really hit on me, no. I think if a girl wants to talk to me, she'll talk to someone around me, but not me directly. I don't know what it is. They never really approach me. (Girls. Learn from this one. If you're ever lucky enough to meet him, you'll know what to do.)
- That's ridiculous. - Jonah Johnson on above quote
- I'm the kind of guy that likes to find out what a girl likes and then compliment them.
- Love at first sight? I absolutely believe in it! You've got to keep the faith. Who doesn't like the idea that you could see someone tomorrow and she could be the love of your life? It's very romantic. (Leo? A romantic? Better and better! Is this guy perfect or what?)
- I have a good group of friends, people I've accumulated over the years. Some I've known since elementry school, some I just met recently. I have friends in show business, but my main real friends are the ones I've known for years. (There's a quote in an interview where he said he dumped all his old friends when he became famous. He was being sarcastic!)
- I don't know if I'm ever going to get married. I'm probably not going to get married unless I live with someone for 10 to 20 years.
- I really like to have sweet people around me. I can't stand badasses. There's too many of them, especially my age in LA. I like to get to know people, and you have to peel away so many layers of those people. Just give me someone who's relaxed and cool to hang out with, even if they're not studs.
- I definitely want to have the security of settling down someday. I'm looking forward to getting married and having kids, but it's not my time to do that now.
- Anyone I'm with has to give me freedom. I like to be with someone who has character and style, and someone who is very understanding. I just like to have sweet people around me. Just give me someone who's relaxed and cool to hang out with. I like girls who are intelligent, someone funny and pretty-with a nice personality. (Girls? Are you taking notes?)
- Love is the kind of thing that when you fall in love, you know immediately. I love a lot of people in different ways.
- If I want to go to a party with a few male friends, it doesn't mean I'm gay...(Now that depends. What type of party is it? If it's prom...well...then I'd wonder.)
- ...I don't see why I can't have friends of both sexes without rumors being circulated. It's crazy.
- Leo on feeling lonely when he's single: I do, but you get used to it the older you get. Most of the time I do feel like I need someone else when I'm alone. But I can still get by with just my own company and that makes me a stronger person.
- Anyone I'm with has to give me freedom. I like to be with someone who has character and style and someone who is very understanding.
- This is (WAS) my first long-term relationship...and I can't wait to see her (Kristin Zang) at the end of the day. She's the cutest girl in the world-Leo on PAST girlfriend, Kristin Zang (Who knows anymore. They're dating. They aren't. She hates him. They're married and have a houseful of kids. Does it really matter to you personally? I mean, do you really believe you have a chance with him? Okay. So do I:)
- I prefer ordinary girls - you know, college students, waitresses, that sort of thing. Most of the girls I go out with are just good friends. Just because I go out to the cinema with a girl doesn't mean we're dating.
- I would have a nervous breakdown if I had to go through a movie for three months and be that character on and off the set. I know what I'm doing, but when they say 'cut' I can joke around. I don't hide in the corner and yell at anyone that tries to speak to me. (I don't know. I really like this quote for some reason. I just picture him curled up in the corner and shivering like a whipped bunny. Gets all those maternal juices a-flowin'. Maybe it's a personal problem though.)
- I know some actors that get lost in what they're doing, but I'm not like that. I like knowing everything that is going on around me. When I'm acting, I think of myself as the camera. I'm watching myself act. I'm trying to see how what I'm doing looks from the outside.
- I can act, and I think I'm pretty good at it. And I play pool pretty well. But that's about it.
- Pain is temporary, but film is forever. (Well Leo, death is forever too and that's a teensy-step away from pain)
- On his performances-No matter how good it is, it's never enough. You get the feeling that you've got to give more. It's weird. I think the public expects it.
- I like to help the whales, the otters, and the dolphins. When I'm acting and I take a break, the first thing on my list is spending time by the sea. (Dolphins are my favorite animals in the world. I have no idea what that has to do with anything, but I felt like saying it and I'm the webmistress-that always brings whips and chains to mind, anyone else have that problem?-and I can type whatever I want. You're under my control, you're in the palm of my hand, wait don't read ahead. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I like cheese too. LOL)
- All these actors think that the blood through their veins is fueled by acting. I'm happier when I'm not working, hanging out with my friends, doing something I like. (You don't like acting? Than why do it? The moola? Not a good enough reason for all the shit that comes along with it)
- About the roles he chooses-I want to trust my instincts with everything I choose. I want to go with things that have integrity and that I feel I'm doing for me.
- Don't think for a moment that I'm really like any of the characters I play. That's why it's called ACTING!
- I hope to have a long career and keep doing and trying new things.
- On getting bad reviews for Basketball Diaries and Total Eclipse-I'm proud of my work in all the movies I've done. In a few years' time, no one will remember the bad reviews. (Now this is kick-ass. I just love this about Leo. He chooses roles for all the right reasons)
- If this hadn't been a contemporary spin on Romeo and Juliet, I wouldn't have done it. I didn't want to be leaping around in tights.
- I've decided not to do anything like Titanic again...I learned a lot from it, but I just figured it's not really for me. For now I just want to do things that really appeal to me. (Now my 2 cents-did you know there's no cent key? I just realized that!-on the should he/shouldn't he have done Titanic subject. I think it was a smart move. He likes doing small movies but, they aren't big crowd-drawers-NO! not like a chest of drawers, I mean draw-ers-and thus the movie doesn't get much $'s. You get attached with a stigma if you do a whole lot of movies that don't gross a lot. So directors etc. won't hire you. So he did a big movie, got his name known, and then he can go back to smaller movies that he enjoys and still get the crowds. Voila. Everyone's happy! I'm virtualy shutting-up now. That's more than 2 cents. That's more like 2 dollars worth)
- I've just been jolting along from one film to another, now it's sort of a shock to look back and realize what I've acheived.
- Portraying emotionally ill characters gives me the chance to really act. (What character of his would you really want to be with? Tobias? Sure, might be some baggage but do-able. Arnie? Uh...no. He doesn't have baggage. He is baggage. Jim from BBD? No. Rehab then a maybe. He seems okay at the end though. Rimbaud? Umm, that kid had more problems than I have room on this page) Kid from The Quick and The Dead? Cocky. Hank from Marvin's Room? A wee bit of an atitude, but underneath that is a little boy who needs a hug, he would knock you away though. Romeo? Yes. Yes. Yes. Jack? Yes to the infinite power. Phillipe/Louis? Yes and no.
- Leo on visiting different countries: That's the cool part of the business, going to different countries with your friends and having everything paid for by the studios. (i'm jealous)
- Leo on playing Romeo-He's pretty innocent. Well, in the first half he is. Then Mercutio dies and Tybalt dies and everything just goes wrong. I'm crying all the time in the last half of the film. I cry a lot in this movie. That was hard. I wouldn't have done it if I had to jump around in tights.
- I'm pretty good at not taking the character I play home with me. I realize it's a job. But sometimes I catch myself being grumpy and then I realize why: I just had to cry for an hour.
- I was expecting a little more from ol' Sharon, y'know? I wasn't about to get down and dirty with her, so it was a bit of a let down. Actually, she hurt my lip-on kissing Sharon Stone in "The Quick and the Dead"
- I want to do things that are different. I want to take my time with each role...I just don't want to be big box office just yet. The more you stay low key at a young age, the more you have room for that stuff in the future, and as long as I can maintain doing films that I want to do, then I'd rather not blow my load on the work. It seems like a lot of people who try to do that disappear.
- It's my first sort of commercial attempt (Titanic), but it made sense for me because I'm not that kind of guy (Jack Dawson) and I'm not going to do that kind of (big budget commercial) movie...It really had a good story to it and some real, emotionally-charged characters and wasn't me playing some sort of cyborg. It's something I probably would have done if it was commercial or not, and that's the way I choose movies.
- I really don't know what I'm doing. I don't. It's terrible. I go in there and I learn how to be like the character and do the best I can, and that's all I really do. (Well Leo dear, you fake very well. I guess that's what's called acting like you can act. But...if you're acting like you can act, you can obviously act. And if you're acting like you act aren't you yourself a character even when you're yourself?...I'm stopping. I just confused myself)
- I like to be able to play a character and act out a lot of things which I can't or don't do in my normal everyday life. It gives me a legal excuse to go nuts with the character. The more nuts I go and the more I show, the deeper I get into the depression or the happiness or the anger of the character and the more real it is.
- It's tricky stuff. If you're not perfect in every film, then people say, 'see, he was just lucky in one role.'
- Claire was the only girl, when we did the audition, who came straight in my face to do the lines. And some of the other girls did, like, the affected flower thing. You know, they stroked their face and looked up and tried to do things with their eyelashes, and it was not nearly as truthful as Claire's performance.
- I didn't even know what I did in Gilbert Grape. I just went off with whatever I felt instinctually without a second thought.
- About being part of Growing Pains-I always wanted to be in a series, to watch yourself on TV every week, to have other people watch you. It's lots of fun.
- On Titanic-The soul of the movie is the romance, it's what the audience connects to. It was crucial to make it as realistic as possible.
- On Titanic-There were definitely certain moments when I felt like I was there for real. When you run on the ship with 200 people around screaming for their lives, while the ship is tilting up, you fell like you are there.
On playing Arthur Rimbaud-The role of Rimbaud is one of the most important of my career and one of the best roles to play for a young actor.
- On Total Eclispe-There is homosexuality, but the film's not about that..It's about a young guy who wanted to experience everything that was just one element of many that was there for him to partake in.
- Meryl Streep does things I would never have thought possible...her presence on screen is outstanding.
- Usually, Leo has in his contract that they have to give him x number of plane tickets so he can have his friends come and hang out.- Titanic assistant and friend, Jonah Johnson
- Leo's no pussy. But he doesn't have a death wish either- Jonah Johnson on Leo's fondness for extreme sports (Not a pussy? That's a true guy complement)
- Leo's cheap. I feel funny saying that, but I've said it to him. But he'll look for a place on the street to park rather than use valet parking.-Ethan Suplee
- Little does Leo know what's going to happen when Titanic comes out. I mean, it's huge. And it's not going to be just 12-year-old girls watching him. It's going to be everyone.-Tobey Maguire
- Outside the house, he may be famous, but inside he's no longer famous. He's just Leo the jerk, like us.-Jonah Johnson
- Leo has a wonderful truthfulness about him. Even just the way he is with his mother and grandmother.-David Blaine
- The audience sees him as this dreamy-eyed neuvo James Dean, but he's a goof ball.-Alan Thicke
- We had the sense that nothing was ever going to stop him. He just lit up the place.-Alan Thicke
- Leo was always doing things to get your attention. You couldn't help but gravitate toward what he did. When he did his monologue, it was so moving that it had the class in tears.-Grade Nine drama teacher Helen Stringos-Arias
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