BADCOW's sounds
32dohs.wav.... you figure it out
3states.wav.... grampa...what a crack pot
912.wav...........good ol' chief wiggum
ahhhh.wav.......Homer screams for you
anykey.wav.....Homer is a definite newbie
apu.wav......i'll see you in hell
arrest.wav.....marge..not here
baloney.wav.....my baloney has a first name
bash.wav......i'll bash you good!
beer1.wav....hmmmm beer
beerkills.wav....oh lisa, you and your stories
blah.wav.....you have the right to remain silent, blah blah blah
bosoms.wav....Look that kid has bosoms, come here ya little butterball
brain.wav.....Shut up brin or i'll stab you with a q-tip
bugieamn.wav....ahhh the bugie man!
cartoon.wav.....I could pull a better cartoon outta my a...ha ha hey kids
champion.wav......I am the champion...of the world!
comeagain.wav....thank you come again
comsarnit.wav....another grampa wav
decapitated.wav....krusty's official statement
doh.wav........the classic doh!
english,wav...who needs english? i'm never going to England
EvilHomer.wav.....I am evil Homer song
explode.wav.......there is beer coming out of the chimney
flint.wav.......Homer sings to the tune of the flintsones
gang.wav....Homer sings The Joker
gay.wav....you are gay...he he he
Getdrunk.wav....its not weather you win or lose, its how drunk you get
Getout.wav.....Get out!...and come again
girlscout.wav....Barney at a girlscouts meeting,one of the funniest wavs here
good.wav...I'll be good
greese.wav....lunch lady doris...have ya got any greese?
haha.wav......Nelsons infamous laugh
hairy.wav.....kiss my hairy yellow butt
heehee.wav....Homer's giddy little heehee
hrm_wmn1.wav......Homer's view on women
homersacrilisious.wav.....hmmmm sacrilisious
jive.wav......you jive turkey
Laugh.wav....Bart and lisa laughing
laugh1.wav....Krusty's laugh #1
laugh2.wav.....another Krusty wav
mmmcrime.wav....hmmmm organized crime
mmmfreegoo......the name pretty much says it all
moecrap.wav.....Moes response to prank calls
morefunny.wav......stupid tv ..be more funny
nachoman.wav... i wanna be a nacho man song
notvbeer.wav.... no beer no tv makes Homer something, something
outhouse.wav.....Grampa...i'm going to the out house...
pee.wav.....you mean we wont be able to pee in the drinking fountains??
scratch.wav.....can you take the wheel for a second?
seeya.wav.....see ya in hell!
slob.wav.... Barney... I used to be real slob....
smart.wav.... Homers I am so smart song
woohoo.wav...Homer's classic woohoo
wookie.wav....Ralph... I bent my wookie
wordhole.wav....shut your word hole
yummie.wav...yummie yummie i got love in my tummy....
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