The Alfred Hitchcock
Welcome to my site dedicated to the undisputed "Master of
Suspense", Alfred Hitchcock! In the following pages you can explore and find
information about the man, the films, and how Hitch changed the face of suspense forever.
I have always professed to be one of Hitchcock's biggest and most devout fans,
therefore I have erected this site to pay tribute to the man who has left an indelible
mark on the cinema. From the early work to the classics, you'll find it here!
[ The Hitchcock Classics ] [ The Hitchcock Cameos ] [ The Hitchcock Filmography ]

Sir Alfred Hitchcock
(August 13, 1899 - April 28, 1980)
Here I am
at a nice little motel just outside of Fairvale, California. It looks small,
but the service is "killer"!
You can let me know about your favorite Hitchcock films by email !
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This site contains copyrighted photos and quotes from various
films and no intentional copyright infringement was intended. Any copyrighted material
will be removed upon request of the owner or owners. This site is intended solely for
entertainment purposes.
Contact George With
Any Comments or Concerns.