Hello. Welcome to my Rockin' page.

Sounds - sounds that are extremely Simps-A-Riffic
Links - links that have a cool-factor of 7 or higher
About Me - some stuff about a hottie
Quiz -  Check how SASSY you really are with the Sassarific quiz
           that'll surely get you sass going!
Government Tribute - my tribute to our fair government
Quote of the Week - "Some" "quotes" "of" "the" "week""," "or" "whatever"
Mr. Culver, Internation Man of Titans!!! - Tribute to CCHS's very own Culver
Simpson Icon Extravanganza!!! - Get some Simpsons icons here.
An essay about yours truly - by: anonymous
Perfect Dark Times - check out my mad-awesome PD times
My cdr trading list - yes...these are all legally traded...