Reviews In Blood

The review for this month is a classic in Italian Gialli. Mario Bava’s Blood And Black Lace

A beautiful film that terrorizes the screen and paints it a wonderful bloody red. A killer is loose in the fashion salon Christiana Haute Coutoure. Models are being murdered the finger points to many of the characters of the film as the possible killer.

Grisly events are set in motion when Isabella (Lea Krugher) shows up dead, stuffed into a closet. She leaves behind a black dress, a green brooch, and a bright red diary that apparently holds any number of secrets belonging to her co-workers, all of whom regard the tiny book with anxious glances. Before long it becomes clear that Isabella's killer is now after that diary, and is willing to leave any number of corpses on the trail to its recovery. Pity poor Nicole, who contrives to take the thing home with her to tear out certain pages before it's handed over to the police. Of course she is done in with grisly fashion. This sets of a chain of events as everyone becomes a suspect and a victim!

The killer in the film is clad in your basic black trenchcoat and fedora, but what sets this killer apart from the others is the disturbing mask that is worn. Featureless and menacing and can only compare to the mask used in John Carpenter’s Halloween as far as it’s “chill quality”.

The film was shot in a beautiful Technicolor format that shows off Bava’s flair for “candy coated color”. This was also one of the first “slasher” films. A good body count results at the end of the film. This started the road that would eventually come to a halt in the late 80’s when the Friday The 13th and Halloween movies were stuck in the mud.

This release of Blood And Black Lace was made possible by VCI Home Entertainment. They have provided a lush print in a widescreen format(1.60:1) on both DVD and VHS. Also of note is the fact that the film is uncensored as it was meant to be seen. It’s not an overtly bloody film but complete nonetheless. This comes highly recommended from yours truly, as is any other Mario Bava film. So take a visit to the VCI website and place your order!

Enjoy this months flick and keep slaying the ones you love! Coffindan

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