Summary Of The Sinking Of Titanic
Are you the only one in town that still doesn't know for sure
all the facts about the sinking of Titanic?
The TitanicStruck an ice
berg at 11:40 pm on April 14, 1912. The ship was, at that
time, going 26 knots(29.9 mph) and all of the biolers were
lighted. Officer Fleet and Officier Lee spotted the iceberg
30 seconds before it struck. Fleet called the bridge and
said the famous words, "Iceberg, right ahead!". Officier
Murdoch ordered for the ship to immediately be turned
'Hard a' starboard'(Which means to swing the back of the
ship to the right), and waited to see what would
happen. The ship struck the iceberg at about 11:40 pm
on the starboard(right) side. As soon as the ship started
to scrape along the iceberg under the waterline, Murdoch
ordered to turn the ship 'Hard a' port'(Turn the back of the
ship left). The water flodded six compartments, where the
ship was only designed to carry three compartments full
(Compartments are those big dividing walls on the ship's
bottom to 'E' deck shown on the "Deck Plans" page.). The ship
slowly sank about two hours until the deck
started to tilt quickly, head first into the water. At about
2:10 am on April 15, the ship split, and half fell into the
water completely, while the other half fell level. The half
that was under the water, pulled the level half up again,
making it completely vertical(Vertical is uo and down, and
horizontal is side to side.), and detaches. The vertical part
of the ship sits and bobs for about a minute or two, and
starts to quickly sink. The ship was last seen at 2:20am. The
picked up the 700 survivors(out of 2,226)at around 7:00am on
the same day. 1,500 people died in the sinking of the Titanic,
"The unsinkable ship".
©1998, By Valerie: do not copy.
