Hello! Everybody, my name is Mary Ma , also known as Dreamy. I am chinese and I am proud of it . I was born in Hong Kong but moved to Guam , a very small Island in the Pacific Ocean. But this didn't stop me in meeting other people around the world . Michelle's Studio is my second homepage which was dedicated to Michelle Yeoh . My first homepage was Jessica's Dreamland. Which was dedicated to Jessica Hester Husuan . My other favorite movie star are Andy Lau , Ekin Cheung, Miriam Yeung, Sammi Cheung, Leon Lai, Bobby Yeung , Esther Kwan , and many more. But the one I really admired is Brigitte Lin / Lam Ching Ha.
She is the most prettiest and most skillful actress I ever known. My favorite hobbies are watching movies , acting , dancing , singing, drawing, playing the flute, making hoempages, and I love to play Tennis .
I am always ready for new things and meeting new people. If you want to get to know me better, please feel free to e-mail me anytime or poeple with ICQ , please add me to your list. I will be glad to meet a friend like you . Well, anyways , back to Michelle's Studio , I will do my best to update Michelle's Studio with new pictures, news, reviews, informations, and new ideas to make the hoempage be the best of the best . You are always welcome to come back anytime and when whenever you feel like it. Well , that's all for now , please now vistit my Michelle's Studio .
Don't forget to visit my Jessica's Dreamland