This is a place where you'll find some interesting tidbits about H20 such as...

-Scream 2 is playing on Sarah's tv set.. (note) Scream 2 replaced Mike Meyers in So I Married an Axe MurderProbably a thank you for Scream's references to Halloween.

-The little girl at the rest stop is named Casey with a pageboy cut.. hmm... sounds alot like Casey in Scream also with a pageboy cut.

-Norma could be a homage to Norman Bates in Psycho, especially if Norma's played by Janet Leigh...

-Janet Leigh's character Norma drives the same car her character Marion drove in Psycho.. also a replica of the purse she put the money in was made for H20..

-Norma mentioning the girl's shower was clogged... nice in-joke. Same is Norma saying to Laurie.. "we've all had bad things happen to us."

-Plan 9 from Outer Space is playing on Jimmy's Tv

-The whole opening sequence could be billed as a homage to Scream especially with a celebrity killed off (Joseph Gordon Levitt) and when the people that could bring the heroine safety are close but they can't hear her.

-As in Scream, My favorite character's death has something to do with a mechanical object.. Tatum and the garage door/Sarah and the dumb waiter.

-A lot of the music from Scream and Scream 2 can be heard instead of the traditional Halloween music... what's up with that?

-Sarah hanging from the light bulb is similar to Casey hanging from the swing...

-When Molly looks out of the classroom window and see Michael during their discussion of "Fate" is almost the same as Laurie's classroom scene in Halloween.

-Jamie Lee Curtis starred in a tv show before having her film debut in Halloween, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe (Sarah) is on "Nash Bridges" and her film debut is H20

-Charlie tells John that "20 years from now, you'll still be living with her. Probably running some wierd motel out in the middle of nowhere."

-Laurie tells Molly to "Drive to the Beckers" as in Casey Becker.

More coming soon..