Hello everyone

this site is very boring visually at the moment though i do have that guy with the wierd mostache and things coming into his head and out of his mouth on the side of the page.  I am totally revamping the site so in a week or so it will be fantabulous.

If you haven't been here before the basic idea is that i have silly things i write and i want to know what everyone thinks of them so i have a weekly newsletter (aka "weekly" if i get off my ass and write it... if it doesn't come out in a week then i'm most likely watching television and you can just write a strongly worded letter and see if it does any good)
I also also have a bunch of stories and whatnot on this site
that you can get by clicking
And if for some strange reason you don't get the newsletter already and you want to find my fabulous words in your email then write me an email at: