To go back to my homepage,
LAURIE: Dull as tombs around here!
JOHN BROOKE: Come away from there! One doesn't shout at ladies
as if they were cattle. (To Jo and Meg) My
LAURIE: Has Meg misplaced a personal item...such as a
BETH: (after Jo has burned off Meg's hair)
Oh Meg! You're one beauty!
LAURIE: Nothing's going to change, Jo.
MARMEE: Feminine weaknesses and fainting spells are the
direct result of our confining young girls to the
house, bent over their needle work and restrictive
MARMEE: Jo, you have so many extraordinary gifts, how can
you possibly expect to lead an ordinary life?
AMY: You don't need dozens of suitors. You only need
one, if he's the right one.
MARMEE: I'm going to write that man a letter!
JO: A letter. That'll show him.
FRIEDRICH: But I have nothing to give you! My hands are
JO: They're not empty now.
LAURIE: I was quite taken with that one (points to Meg).
JO: That's Meg. She's my sister. She's completely
bald in front.
LAURIE: Someday, you'll meet a man. A good man. And
you'll love him tremendously.
JO: NO...no...
LAURIE: Yes you will, you will...and you will live and die
for him. And I'll be hanged, if I stand by and
watch! (You can start crying now!!!)
JOHN BROOKE: Over the mysteries of female life, there is drawn a
veil, best left undisturbed.