Main Page
This site is dedicated to the lighter side of the best TV show ever: Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

PROJECT LAST UPDATE COMMENTS (whole site is under construction)
About me NOT DONE *
Active X NOT DONE *
Downloads 9/24/98 Buffy screen saver, BVS Calendar Version 1.5, SMG Dark Hair Winamp skin
Java Effects NOT DONE *
Links 8/29/98 Some of the better sites.
Miscellaneous NOT DONE *
Multimedia NOT DONE *
Pictures 7/29/98 Every site has hundreds, I'll only put a few. Added pic of Eliza Dushku (Faith)
Riddles 7/30/98 So far 6 riddles.
Silly Slayer Stuff 8/24/98 Miscellaneous

You can me.

Some pictures © Warner Brothers, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enterprises and many others whom I don't know.