Even Doctor Seril Bile of the Turds research center at the University of Cannmore boasts of Colonvilles' premiere land mark.
...And he's a professor of the stuff!
The Turd museum has it all. Real turds. Artificial Turds... and now we have added the brand new Celebrity vault. We have the finest looking turds from the finest celebrities including...
With this weeks special guest facilitator Arnold Schwartzenegger.
Now Accepting Turd donations from the general public. Mail them to us care of The Turd Foundation.
The International Turd Museum is located at the south end of Colonville. Next to the Petroleum Plant and Spoon World!
Elvis Presley
John F. Kennedy
Adolf Hitler
Mr. Rogers
M.C Hammer
Mayor Rudy Guiluane
Farrah Fawcett
Queen Elizabeth
Monica Lewinsky
Jerry Lewis
Charelton Heston...
and the Olsen twins.
...So if your in the Colonville area visit the international Museum of Turds! Tell a friend!
"these are the best turds I've ever seen in my life!"