Real Name: Mark Callaway
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 328 Lbs
Where From (Fake): Death Valley
Where From (Real): Houston, TX
Now Lives: Nashville, TN
Birthdate: 3.24.64
Finishing Move: Tombstone Piledriver
Other Moves: Chokeslam;
Flying Clothesline Off Top Rope;
Big Boot; Armbar Smash
Manager: None
Previous Managers: Brother Love; Ted Dibiase; Paul Bearer
Heel/Face: Face
Debut: Survivor Series 1990
World Heavyweight Champion: (x2)

Other Info:
WWF World Heavyweight Title
(11.27.91 to
12.3.91) & (3.23.97 to 8.3.97)
WWF Tag-Team Champion With Steve Austin (7.26.98 to 8.10.98)
USWA Texas Heavyweight Champ
(10.5.89 to 10.20.89)
USWA Unified World Heavyweight Champ
(4.1.89 to
Starred in Hulk Hogan's "Suburban Commando"

Previous Identities:
Mean Mark Callous (NWA)
Punisher Dice Morgan (New Japan)
Master of
Pain (Memphis)
Cain the Undertaker (WWF)
Skyscrapers (NWA w/ Dan Spivey)

"I am the Lord of Darkness."
"You will rest
in peace."
"You looked into the eyes of the dragon and
you got burned."
"Now you must burn in
"Creatures of the night.."
"It's time for the Reaper to enter the Serpent's Lair."
"Give your soul to the Lord, because that belt and your
body will belong to me."
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