The Seinfeld Site Guestbook

Hello, Before you sign in there are a few things I would like to tell you. the star (*) means not required. Second there are three rules:

1. This is not a chat room!
2. No nasty's or bad language will be accepted.
3. Be careful of what you type in remember that there are children using this guest book too.

And finally please don't press the "I'm Done" button more than once.

If you would like to proceed click on the ok button


By clicking ok you are agreeing and accpeting these rules. You are responsable for any of your text put into the book. Under no circmstance may you break these rules. And you may NOT post any pornography or links to pornography pages in the book. Images can be posted but I will dispose of if I find them offensive or I just don't want them. I will NOT tolerate any people who break these rules, There enties will be deleted and they will be dealt with.

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