Kathleen Robertson in blackstories

these are some of the stories that visitors wished to contribute to this site.

Ultraviolet's story

Whoever's eyes should find this, Be they foe or friend, Should know that I'll wait for her, Until the very end. Love always, from the one who misses you mosT.


april white's story (leighanne_2899@yahoo.com)

She is a really good actress.But I know her brother in law Jim witter he is a popular singer in Hamilton and I have talked to her sister Rebecca alot of the times to.They are great people. Jim Witter is my favorite singer in the world and then I found out that was his sister in law cool eh.... She introduced him at a award show a few years ago. They are all great people.... Write me if you want to....


Tiffany's story (Tiffem@aol.com)

Hey! First off I just wanna say, this has to be the best Kathleen website on the net! She is a wonderful actress, and person. I was lucky enough to meet her, back in '97. I went to Knott's Berry Farm, and she was there. She was super friendly, and gave me her autograph. I ran into her twice, and she said hi to me each time. I've adored her ever since that day. She was so down to earth. Kathleen, if your reading this, have a great birthday, and thanks for being so sweet, I'll never forget it!


Semantic Man's story (semanticman@yahoo.com)

A buddy of mine went to a film workshop at an independent film festival in Austin, Texas, in March and saw KR. He said KR's hair was dyed black and she wore these dorky wire frame glasses. He said she was either trying to be artsy or look Oriental like er boyfriend Greg Araki or something. He said he saw them together and thought they were sort of a odd looking pair, like people you see at some modern art exhibit. He did not know she was on BH 90120 and when I told him, he could not believe it. He di admit she had nice features and was naturally beautiful and could look really great if dolled up. Man, has KR changed!


L'aventurier's story (l_aventurier76@hotmail.com)

Hello Kathleen, I met you in 1995 on Venice Beach while you were filming a commercial with a French studio. I have your autograph... I am back here in LA from France and this time for work. I remembered you yesterday when I saw the 90210 show and I decided to check if you had a homepage. Please email me at l_aventurier76@hotmail.com if you read this message.


Alan's story (Fall Hills@aol.com)

One crisp Winter afternoon I happened to pass by Whitechapel Memorial Gardens to visit an old friend I lost to a horrible sack race accident (he had hopped much too high for the lack of balance he held, and a broken neck seemed to result) when I bumped in o Kathleen Robertson by a large headstone with cement angels hovering over it. I accidentaly knocked the copy of JTHM she was reading to the grass. Though, in turn, she spilled my Yoo-hoo all over my shirt. Almost immediately she reached into her bag a d brought out a new shirt. "Damn, I'm really sorry about that," she said. "Here. Wear this." I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, pulling on the dark blue one she had given me. I looked down to the print on the shirt, and it had a photo of Chris Elli tt from Cabin Boy on it. "Hey," I said, "Where the Devil did you get this?" She giggled. "Oh, I've got a ton of them, me and Ian Ziering lifted a whole box of them at the Cabin Boy premiere, then sped off in his mom's station wagon." She gave me a ligh punch on the shoulder and whispered, "Keep it, silly. My gift to you." I expressed my thanks and handed her back the copy of JTHM. "You know," I said. "You should also get the complete paperback. It doesn't have any of the Wobbly Headed Bob sketches, bu it's got some really nutty stuff in it." She looked at her copy and smiled. "Yeah, I think I should. Hey, you want to go get another Yoo-Hoo?" "Sure," I said. "I know a cool place down the street, I always grab one off the shelf and run. That old lady lways tries to chase me . . . but it's hardly like she's gonna catch up, you know?" Kathleen spit out the Dr. Pepper she was sipping and laughed so hard I thought her teeth would crack. "That old lady with the hair net? Damn, I do the same thing, only I lways grab Trident packages right off the front counter." Small world, you know. So we left Whitechapel and headed towards the convenience store. We really gave that old lady a scare, too. I think she's since quit.


Bryan's story (a21@pixie.co.za)

Well, I am not a fan of Beverly Hills 90210 by any means, however Kathleen reminds me of someone I knew for a short while when I stayed in Orange County, CA. I got curious, hence the reason I found this site. If she ever reads these pages, I think she wou d be pleased, I wish her well in her career - who knows, we may yet get to work together in the future. Best regards, Bryan (Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa) 

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