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Hot Stuff Part 3

Hot Stuff Part 3

Although "The World" was a the end of the next block, Chris and Rita were assaulted with blaring music from the nightclub as soon as they reached the top of Beale Street.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiita…" Chris dragged her name out in a whiney voice, his displeasure in Rita’s choice of clubs obvious.

"Oh, be quiet, Lorenzo," his partner replied. "We’ve got a job to do, so quit complaining." Rita leaned over towards the driver side of the sleek Porsche they were using for their undercover assignment and gave Chris a totally unexpected kiss on the cheek.

Rita felt her face flush immediately afterward. Oh calm down, Rita, she told herself. It was just a kiss on the cheek…he’s your best friend, after all. Having relieved her mind, Rita asked Chris, "Feel better now?"

"If I say no, will you kiss me again?"

Rita didn’t think that his question merited a response so she merely glared at him. Ever the clown, Chris queried, "Is that a no?"

"Why do I even bother with you?" Rita wondered, though a huge smile showed her statement to be facetious.

Chris’s response never came, for at that moment, they arrived at the already-crowed club. Chris drove to the front of the club, stopped the motor, got out of the car, and helped Rita out. A man in a red jacket that pegged him as a valet got behind the wheel of the Porsche and took it to the car park.

On the walkway to the club, Chris asked, "Ready Ashleigh?" He put emphasis on the name, reminding Rita of their duty. He glanced over at her and watched her nervously inhale a breath. When she saw him looking at her, Rita gave him a shaky smile.

"It’s just nerves. We have a lot more riding on this one than usual. I just don’t know if…" Rita paused when Chris took her hand and gave it a reassuring little squeeze. Though he said nothing, his touch told Rita that he believed in her, and that was enough. They walked hand in hand to the entrance of the club.

Rita’s nerves returned in full force when they reached the door that was guarded by the club’s bouncer. Though not an overly large man, he was muscular and had a maniacal gleam in his eye. "Ok, Sammy," Chris said in a whisper only Rita could hear, "here we go."


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