Dragonball Name Puns

Welcome. This is where you'll find out all the lovely puns used in naming the Z senshi and other DB characters. Part of the Info here came from Capsule Corp.

Son Goku:

Goku actually has two puns to his character. Being from planet Vegiat-sei he has a Sayajin name as well as a human name.

His human name, Goku, means sky. Well just the "ku" in his name does. The "Go" is just a prefix.

His Sayajin Name Kakaratto has a name pun consistant with all the other Sayajin. The pun on Kakarotto is "Carrot"


Vegita, also form Vegita-sei never got a human name so he only has one pun. If you couldn't guess by the spelling of his name the pun is Vegetable. I'm gathering this is because he's the Prince of the Sayajin.

Son Gohan:

In Japanese, 'gohan' can mean several things. In general, it can mean 'meal'. Or it can mean 'rice', which is synonymous to 'meal' in the asian context. I guess he doesn't have an entirely vegetable related name due to his having human blood as well as Saiya-jin blood.

Son Goten:

Goten's name has a reference to Goku's name. Whil Goku's name means "sky" Goten's name means "Heaven". Again like Goku only the last three letters of the name "ten" actually mean anything. The "Go" is just a prefix.


Bardock being Goku's father and a full-blooded Sayajin, has a food related name. "Bardock" is a Japanese Vegetable


Goku's older brother Radditz has one of the most obvious puns in all of Dragonball. His pun is Radish (as if I had to tell you)


Nappa, another full blooded Sayajin, has a pun that means another Japanese veggie


The daughter of Son Gohan and Videl has a pun all her own. Her name means "Bread"


Bulma's family has a wierd tradidtion. They always name themselves after under garments of some type. Trunks here is no different. His pun is obvious. It's Trunks as in Boxers.


Trunk's little sister's pun is so obvious I don't need to say anything here


The current Matriarch of the Briefs family has her pun rooted in history. Hers is "Bloomers"

Dr. Briefs:

Bulma's father's pun is Obvious.


Oolong ,in Japan, is a kind of black tea. It's quite popular there.


Puar, in a different spelling, is also a Japanese tea.


A Food Dish


Also spelled "Kuririn" the pun for his name is "kurikuri"; from an obscure Japanese fixed phrase that translates to "a priest's shaved head."


Krillen's Daughter is named after a cheastnut paste. Yummie


Tenshinhan's name can be read as being the rice dish from the city/province of Tenshin

Freeza, Coola, and King Cold:

Come ON! Tell me you get the pun PLEASE tell me you get the pun!!! This family couldn't be more punny if they tryed.


A piccolo is a type of reed instrument

Tambourine, Piano, Cymbal, Drum:

Piccolo Daimio's servents have more of those obvious puns. They're instruments


Dende, one of Son Gohan's friends, is one of the few survivors of Planet Namek. His name is taken from the Japanese word "denden-mushi". It refers to any mollusk of the class Gastropoda. Dende is also the Current guardian of the Earth.


Nail is a Namekian of the soldier caste. He eventually fuses into Piccolo to aid him during the fight with Freeza. His name is possibly a shortened version of "snail". My personal belief though is that the pun is alot more simple then that. Scince he is a soldier, doesn't it make sense that Nail simply means "a Nail"? Oh well.


ChiChi has the funniest pun I've seen. Her name in Japanese means Breast.


A yajirobee is a kind of spinner toy, held between finger and thumb


Shen Lon is Chinese for "the godly dragon". Cheng Long is Jackie Chan's Mandarin name. Pretty cool huh.

Jakie Chun:

When Muten-Roshi joined the Tenki-Bodokai, he went in under an assumed name. This is an obvious one if you think for a minute. It's Jackie Chan only spelled differently.

Babi-di, and Buu:

These are lyrics to the Cinderella song "Bippity Boppity Boo"


The first major villan of Dragonball was named after the rice dish "Rice Pilaf". Pretty obvious huh

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