Welcome to Dionon's Guestbook!

- 06/09/00 17:09:45
My Email:Masamune9999@hotmail.com


WL - 02/03/00 22:10:23
My Email:Aximili56@aol.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: I don't know. I hate Cloud and Aeris...
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth!
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Big Bang ATTACK!
Fav. FFVII Move: Sephy slashing someone.

You're site rocks! And you're an FF fan!

Jay - 01/11/00 23:30:16
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/jnjcdbz/JNJwebsite.html
My Email:Jell_oh@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: goku
Fav. FFVII Hero: cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: vegeta
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: triple kah oh kan attack

cool site

Kenji - 09/12/99 06:45:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/Kenji16/index0.html
My Email:miwakenji@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: Aerith
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Brolli
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Don't really have one, but I guess kamehameha is origianal and kewl
Fav. FFVII Move: Probably omnislash

This is a pretty kewl page, but your pics don't show up on your main page. Anyways, visit my page cause I got all the Trunks pics that I can find off the net on my site. And I'm also gonna put on dragonball midi files on there too.

Kenji - 09/12/99 06:44:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/Kenji16/index0.html
My Email:miwakenji@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: Aerith
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Brolli
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Don't really have one, but I guess kamehameha is origianal and kewl


Charles - 08/22/99 03:05:23
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Final Flash


- 08/14/99 23:23:15


Asa Clancy - 08/14/99 23:22:49
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Krillin
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Radiz


Asa Clancy - 08/14/99 23:20:18


javone clancy - 08/14/99 23:00:06
My Email:wesley124@aol.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: goku
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: vegeta


Mike Hammann - 08/13/99 18:15:39
My URL:http://zap.to/warriorww
My Email:goku2u@yahoo.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku
Fav. FFVII Hero: I am an N64 man.
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: I am an N64 man.
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: World's Strongest
Fav. FFVII Move: I am an N64 man.

Well I have never played FFVII. I have a Nintendo 64. I have only played Final Fantasy for gameboy. Also your site is pretty cool.

Gohan - 08/10/99 15:56:06


Gohan - 08/07/99 01:49:20
My URL:http://scicop.onevegas.com/cyberkid/gohan
My Email:axigon@onevegas.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Gohan (all version especially ss4gohan)
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: seproth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: fushion
Fav. FFVII Move: ifrit


Ralph - 08/07/99 01:09:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/ralf/index.html
My Email:ralfern125@aol.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Freeza
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Final Flash
Fav. FFVII Move: Omnislash

Kick ass site!! Check mine out and sign my guest book!! P.S.Final Fantasy 7 RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tga|theclaw - 08/04/99 13:37:48
My Email:theclaw@tobologic .com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: gokou
Fav. FFVII Hero: tifa
Fav. FFVII Villan: sethrough
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: tree of life

this site is so awsom please email me (the person that made this site) :o) do you like picachu cause heres a pic /^/ /^/ (o^__^o)

- 08/04/99 02:43:16


someone - 07/29/99 20:00:09
My Email:gohan147
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: ss goku
Fav. FFVII Hero: ss gohan
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: majiin buu
Fav. FFVII Villan: friesa
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: kamahamaha
Fav. FFVII Move: solar flare


patrick - 07/29/99 14:32:48
My Email:shorte235
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: gojita
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: cell
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: koken


ian - 07/29/99 14:29:29
My Email:shianorty
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: gojita
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: cell
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: world's strongest


Ruben Diaz - 07/24/99 20:47:04


Patricia James - 07/22/99 21:10:10
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Trunk
Fav. FFVII Hero: Goku
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: cell

Your web site is the bom and I think your the coolest fight and I loooooooooooooove you.Keep up the good work.

veggeto - 07/22/99 03:13:08
My Email:starwars@safeaccess.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: vegeta
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: freeza
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: kamayamaya

whats ffvii????????????????????///////???????????????????????????????????/

Steven Berkowitz - 07/21/99 17:23:41
My Email:berkowitz3@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Trunks
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Cell
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Solar Flare

this is a great site

- 07/21/99 17:02:49


Majin-Buu - 07/18/99 22:57:56
My URL:/Tokyo/Club/2415/index.html
My Email:NidoGod5602aol.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Fat Buu
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Evil Buu
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: That Red Ball attack that Buu does
Fav. FFVII Move: ????

Great site love the music expect to see me here a lot

suck my dick - 07/18/99 17:33:28
My URL:http://lick my pussy
My Email:lick the shit off my ass
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Fuck you
Fav. FFVII Hero: That game sucks horseshit
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: screw me baby
Fav. FFVII Villan: suck my tongue
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: eat my pussy
Fav. FFVII Move: dildo

this site sucks shit and maybe one night we can fuck each other

Lord Bahamut - 07/18/99 11:05:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Maze/4359/
My Email:lordbahamut@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Uh . . .
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Um . . .
Fav. FFVII Villan: Rufus Shinra
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Hmmm . . .
Fav. FFVII Move: Doom of the Living, Yuffie's 3-2 limit

Okay, I'll confess: I don't watch Dragonball. At all. But nonetheless this place kicks major ass. I give you my Major Asskickin' Award of Whoopass, 'cause this place rocks. Well, anyway, anyone who reads this can go to my place, Cave Bahamut, which is most notably not as cool as here, but I have some good stuff, I guess.

I'll leave you with the words of Cloud: "All right, everyone, let's mosey."

John Bommarito - 07/18/99 04:41:56
My Email:johnbommarito@home.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Brolli
Fav. FFVII Villan: Emerald Weapon
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Vegeta's Final Flash
Fav. FFVII Move: Omnislash

You've got a sweet page goin' here. I like to watch movies so i think it would be cool if you added a few more but other than that I love the page. Keep up the good work. Cya

dillon - 07/17/99 15:28:56
My Email:chillon dillon
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: krillen
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: zarbon
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: desruckdoedisc
Fav. FFVII Move: kamaehamaeha

trunks is cool he is the best of them all .trunks is difrent from all of them all

Akardy - 07/15/99 03:13:15
My Email:Akardy@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Piccolo
Fav. FFVII Hero: Barette
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Broly
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kaio-Ken
Fav. FFVII Move: Cherry Blossom


Chrono713 - 07/13/99 14:56:34
My URL:http://dbzpowerhouse.cjb.net
My Email:Chrono713@neo.rr.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud!
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Cell
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sepheroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kaioken
Fav. FFVII Move: Omnislash

Hey man! Love the new look!

Martin - 07/12/99 04:37:03
My URL:http://angelfire.com/co2/dragonpokemon
My Email:mgmarty85@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Trunks & Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Majin Boo
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kamehameha

Your Site Rules is Awesome.I Like Everything about your site!

Matt Furbush - 07/11/99 16:14:07
My Email:Spear19@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku and Future Trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: ??
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Cell and Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: ??
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Genki Dama
Fav. FFVII Move: ??

Your fanfics are way cool!

derek - 07/08/99 02:58:10
My URL:http://www.gohantrunksdbzworld.homepad.com
My Email:ss_trunks@dbzmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: gohan/trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: ????
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: ????
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: kamehemeha
Fav. FFVII Move: ????

cool page

PSRyos - 07/07/99 22:05:28
My Email:PSRyos@aol.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Vegeta!
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cid
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Raditz
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kao-ken


Martin - 07/06/99 23:09:46
My URL:http://anime.at/mdbw
My Email:mdbw@mailcity.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sepiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: KaiOken
Fav. FFVII Move: Cloud's Omnislash (limit break)

Very nice page Dionon keep up the good work. Visit my site and sign my guestbook.

jeff - 07/02/99 22:19:48
My Email:stinger69@@wa.freei.net
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Future Trunks
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Freeza, Cell
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Big Final Flash, Kamehamehaa

hey whats up i was wondering were can i find that pic of Trunks looking really pissed off with the red eyes cuz i think that pic is tight

Paul - 07/02/99 03:01:12
My Email:tuxmask66@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: don't know name
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kaokan x20
Fav. FFVII Move: Big sword slash

Goku and Cloud rule!!!

Paul - 07/02/99 02:52:50
My Email:tuxmask66@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kaokan x20

Goku rules!!!

brian rodriguez - 06/28/99 13:46:05
My Email:bsrodriguez@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: bardock&vegita
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: raditz
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: galaga(from vegeta)

this is the best website i have seen.everything perfect,excellent. try to get some movie clips, but stay stay cool

Paul Joseph Borte(Vegeta Saizen, VegetiVerse, Vetnk, VegiHulk ect...) - 06/28/99 10:17:16
My Email:ss4vegetnk@hotmail.com. vegeta.saizen@vegeta.zzn.com, vegeta.saizen@saiyan.zzn.com, V geta@dragonballworld.zzn.com, v-saizen@dbz.zzn.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: VEGETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fav. FFVII Hero: never played\seen FF games yet.
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: VEGETA(either "normal" or Majin)
Fav. FFVII Villan: See above FF7 entrie...
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Final Flash(VEGETA's MOST POWERFUL MOVE ^_^)
Fav. FFVII Move: take that big sword thingy and chop things up?

Cool site ^_^ i love that "trun guestbooks into fan contests" i.e the Ki blast and Fusion gest books ^_^ i see you also found zzn and got one service already ;) i also heard of MiraiZSenshi(met the person when they were making the "IRC part") Good luck wi h your fanfics stuff :) you know one of your "allies" i also know ;) Very Comendable on your ki move\fusion idea's :) as well as the fusion fanart stuff ^_^ Keep uo the SUPERB WORK ^_^

Moon Princess 99 - 06/25/99 14:31:41
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Spirit Bomb

Your page kicks butt!! Keep up the good work!!

Iria - 06/23/99 22:26:27
My Email:chasrose@frontiernet.net
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Hero: Yuffie
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Freezer
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Fusion
Fav. FFVII Move: Bahamut zero summon

Awesome site.I love both DBZ and FVII.I love all the sections and the backgound music.

UltraRamza - 06/23/99 20:17:09
My Email:Asianramza@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: goku

Tight page

900% pure Al - 06/23/99 04:19:12
My Email:infinity@wizard.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: piccalo
Fav. FFVII Hero: cid
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: freaza
Fav. FFVII Villan: sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: all of them
Fav. FFVII Move: amnie slash

FFVII was just as dope as DB/Z/GT. hey you have a dope page too

Jason Whiting - 06/15/99 02:16:06
My URL:http://member.tripod.com/Draco_19
My Email:learner76@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kaokin times ten
Fav. FFVII Move: Nights of the round.

this is great! i love anime and video games! oh yeah! dbz also comes on every night at 12:30. this is so cool! bye.

Mysterious Nameksejin - 06/12/99 05:28:06
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Piccolo
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Piccolo
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sepiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kamehameha
Fav. FFVII Move: Butterfly Slash

Hahahahahahaha! Owen Hart killed himself. What a dumbass!! LOL!!

susie - 06/01/99 23:24:30
My URL:http://dragon fan club
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: NONE
Fav. FFVII Villan: NONE


Daniel Ivey - 05/29/99 18:51:36
My Email:ultama_45@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Hero: Aeris Gainsbourgh
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Freeza
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Canigun/Vegeta's move on Goku
Fav. FFVII Move: Omnislash


Vegeta - 05/27/99 18:14:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/6561
My Email:Jdubeau@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Vegeta
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Freeza
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Final Flash

Wicked page mine is cool but not as good and not finished.

Kevin Marino - 05/21/99 21:20:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ut/dragonballzgt
My Email:kevin_marino@pmal.net
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Vegeta & Trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: Barret
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Freezer
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: The Worlds Strongest
Fav. FFVII Move: ????

This site is so awsome.

Ace - 05/17/99 00:24:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/SuperSaiyanTrunks
My Email:SSTrunks20@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Trunks
Fav. FFVII Hero: dunno
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Perfect Cell
Fav. FFVII Villan: dunno
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Final Flash
Fav. FFVII Move: dunno


King Kai(real one is Michael Marsee) - 05/15/99 15:50:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/Gohan/Main.html
My Email:DiabloDemonCOD@netscape.net
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Piccolo(when he is a good guy)
Fav. FFVII Hero: Vincent
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. FFVII Move: Summon Knights of the Round!

Cooooool site dude! Better than mine for sure(but not for long...heehee haha ahha). Hope it gets even better as the days go by. Please check out my site and give me some pinters(dont talk about pics cause I am getting them). C YA!

Jinx - 05/13/99 20:04:04
My URL:http://none
My Email:none
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Chozu
Fav. FFVII Hero: Vincent
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta
Fav. FFVII Villan: Seperioth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Vegeta's Gallant Gun
Fav. FFVII Move: Leviathan summon

This site kicked ass glad I found it

Jen - 05/11/99 01:12:45
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/dragonxing/index.html
My Email:bulmax2@fcmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku!!!!
Fav. FFVII Hero: Mog
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Veggie!!!!!
Fav. FFVII Villan: Squall
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Big Bang Attack
Fav. FFVII Move: ???

This site is awesome!!! It must have taken you forever! Hey check out my site! I have some nice gifs and sounds!

Kioni-San - 05/09/99 20:22:24
My URL:http://-------------
My Email:--------------------
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Goku
Fav. FFVII Hero: ???
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Freeza
Fav. FFVII Villan: ???
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Spirit Bomb or Kamehameha
Fav. FFVII Move: ???

Luv the site! I watch DBZ veryday but I wish they would show the new episodes.=( I still luv it though=)

Casey - 05/04/99 22:06:05
My Email:ots@zebra.net
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Gohcu
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Piccalo

you have a really cool site

Chopsdaddy - 04/23/99 23:36:46
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Chopsdaddy/Dragonball.html
My Email:Chopsdaddy@aol.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Tien
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud?
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Freeza
Fav. FFVII Villan: Cloud?
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: The second one
Fav. FFVII Move: The second one?

Hey great page, as always. Keep up your most excellent work im loving this new format and was just so impressed i though i should sign the old guestbook!

Saiyan Soul - 04/09/99 19:10:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Springs/6965/
My Email:saiyan_soul@mailcity.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Vegetto
Fav. FFVII Hero: Red XIII
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Vegeta (when bad)
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kaioken
Fav. FFVII Move: Omnislash&Knights of the Round

Great Page!

SSJ-Kakarot - 04/07/99 10:58:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/SSJ_Kakarot/main.html
My Email:dcb80@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Gohan
Fav. FFVII Hero: Rydia
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Zarbon
Fav. FFVII Villan: can't remeber
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Galic Gun
Fav. FFVII Move: Buhamut

DAMN!! Your site kicks ass! Mine isn't as good. But i think u might enjoy some things in it. I have signed up to win one of your awards, if you thing i can win another, please let me know, i would love to win anything you might throw my way.=) Well, cya, hope to hear from u soon. I know everyone always says this, but, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. heh heh

jippydawg - 04/06/99 00:06:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/jippydawg/
My Email:jippydawg@hotmail.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: Future Trunks & Piccolo
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Kamehameha

Hey, cool site. It has lots of good useful info. come and see my site. your site could win some of my awards.

Jay - 03/26/99 23:11:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/1745
My Email:demonic@megahits.com
Fav. FFVII Hero: Cloud
Fav. FFVII Villan: All of Shinra
Fav. FFVII Move: Satellite


Dionon - 03/26/99 18:52:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Location/9360/Dionon.html
My Email:bkorot@javanet.com
Fav. DB/Z/GT Hero: SSj4 Gojita
Fav. FFVII Hero: Tifa and Cloud
Fav. DB/Z/GT Villan: Majin Vegita
Fav. FFVII Villan: Sephiroth and Rude
Fav. DB/Z/GT Move: Chou- Kamehameha
Fav. FFVII Move: Omnislash

Well folks as you can see I've had to reinitialize my Guestbook. Don't worry I've saved all your prievious responces.

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