Psycho Killer Hermit Guy/the Worst Movie Ever Made

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Psycho Killer Hermit Guy (1994)
Director: Will Huxtable, Keith Dixon
Cast: Keith Dixon, Will Huxtable, Mike Scarff, Vaughn Rae, Cam Scarff
Genre: Suspense/Thriller
Rating: PG-13

Synopsis:  Unaware that a maniac is on the loose, two pals go for a hike in the woods only to run face to face with the Psycho Killer Hermit Guy.  Wounded, one narrowly escapes and is  found by a kindly veterinarian who nurses him back to health.  Killing anyone he encounters, the Hermit tracks down "the one who got away".  The two meet in a gripping face off.  The Psycho Killer Hermit Guy finally succeeds in his task, or has he?

One little known fact is that the film, "Psycho Killer Hermit Guy" was not only was a blockbuster film, but also spawned a hit song.  The song titled after the movie, "Psycho Killer Hermit Guy" was written, performed, and recorded by the multifaceted Will Huxtable and Keith Dixon.  The two were in a short lived band with Crapola actor/camera man Cam Scarff.  The three collaborated on the song which they recorded together in Scarff's basement sound studio.  "The song is very raw and emotional, I think we captured the spirit of the movie with it...", Will Huxable was quoted as saying.  But don't bother looking for the song at your local record store.  It only saw a limited release in Japan.  "For all you die hard Crapola fans, we are looking at putting out a box set of the best music from Crapola Pictures sometime in the future" said Keith Dixon.

the Worst Movie Ever Made (1996)
Director: Keith Dixon, Cody Brown
Cast:  Cody Brown, Keith Dixon
Genre: Action/Adventure
Rating: PG

Synopsis:  A man returning home encouters a dark, lone stranger.  Could he be the Anti-Christ sent to destroy the second Messiah?  The conflict between good and evil begins and the fate of the world hangs in the balance.  Either that or two guys beat each other senseless for no apparent reason.

Plenty of rumours surround the Crapola Pictures film, "the Worst Movie Ever Made".  Little is known about this movie.  Only viewed by a handful of people, it has remained locked away in the Crapola Studios film vault.  No one knows why it was never previously released.  During filming there were rumors that the script was inconsistent, having no plot whatsoever and no character development.  After shooting wrapped, Keith and Cody were not happy with the results and had to go back to reshoot several scenes and even shoot new scenes to make the story coherent.  With the new scenes the film still didn't stand on its own.  Without having finished the first film Keith and Cody shot a sequel, "The Second Worst Movie Ever Made", but production was halted after only a day of filming and the project was scrapped. Cody Brown had this comment, "I'm not saying it(the Worst Movie Ever Made) was a horrible, horrible movie, I'm just saying I don't think there is a market for it...yet."

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