I apologise for the poor quality of the following pictures, but they are captured frames from the film.
The Players:
NICHOLAS SOKOLICH, playing one of my good friends in the film, a friend since childhood who could have been a little more enthusiastic about the film but, then again, everyone was a little frustrated with the filming by the end of the shoot!
PAUL VICENTE, played my arrogant brother in the movie. He was probably the most important person during the shoot, as he provided the transport.
CHRISTOPHER WARD, in addition to writing, directing and editing, I gave myself a part in the film to make sure at least one person turned up for a day's shoot!
DANNY KUSTANOVICH, another friend since childhood who played a very small role in the film, as the mixed-up product of a broken home.
MOANA SMITH, played a small role which was made even smaller after she wasn't able to turn up the day we were to shoot her final scene. Plays the mixed-up friend of Nick.
RACHELLE ANNE. Rachelle was the last-minute replacement of Kate Morris, my girlfriend in the movie, who vanished on the day we were to shoot her final scene, therefore a new actress had to be found two hours before the completion of filming, to shoot two lengthy scenes.
GRANT VAN GOEVENDEN. Grant plays a mutual friend of Chris and Nick's, dabbling in illegal activity and who's girlfriend is the wise...
...KIRSTEN BAIRD, the girl who has the best advice for me in the film, with only one scene to her credit, she was an excellent actress and should have found more room for her in the film.
REUVEN KUSTANOVICH, another last-minute replacement after an actress pulled out. A good friend since childhood, Reuven plays another advicer, telling Chris about the benefits of leaving the nest.
, had a tiny role in the film, playing one of Grant's good friends. Visit his site!
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