Billy Hill and the Hillbillies
Lemoore Connection Fanclub Webpage

Welcome to the Billy Hill and the Hillbillies Fanclub Webpage! I now have my BillyGirl Tatiana helping me out with the page, so it'll soon be very new and improved! There are lots of new pics and features (linked to Tat's pages) AND coming soon is a new 'MEMBERS ONLY' area, for only the biggest Billy fans!! We're going to have special pictures, reviews, notes, pros and cons on the show and tons of Billy Hill stories!! Woohoo! But I (dizneegirl) can't take all the credit, although I'd love to, heehee, I have a lot of help on this from Tatiana. So enjoy!

Don't forget to check out our newest addition to the page with TONS of new stuff created byBillygal Tats. She just learned HTML but ain't half bad!

But now, we'll go on with our announcments! William Tallman Marshall (John's son) was born on Wednesday, Feb. 24th. He weighted in at 7 lbs. 8 ozs. and was 20 inches long.

Billy Hill and the Hillbillies were playing near Las Vegas in March and they played in Medesto in May... I was supposed to get pics from John's son.. but he didn't take any!! Feel free to e-mail me if you have some or check if I have got my hands on any. Next big event is Evan's concert in Covina on July 24th! Hope to see you there!

Almost forgot! Earlier this year the Billy's were playing outside! I have tons of pictures from that, and will be sure to post them here ASAP! Also, I'll be posting some of the songs they played, along with Midi's, a few of Kirks sayings from the street and anything else I can think of! And coming up in the Members Only page, reviews and notes on the good and the bad in the outside shows, the Christmas version and the regular shows.

And now, links, links, links!!!! These are all my links that I have worked on myself... so please, do not take any of my ideas, pictures, sounds, ect. without my permission first! If any links, sounds or pictures aren't working/showing, then please e-mail me! And now, "Everybody neat and pretty? Then on with the show!"





We Lemoore the Billies!
"Lemoore means 'LOVE' in Italian!"- Kirk

Thank you all, for being there for me while I was (and still am) making this page... I know I got cranky at times and considered even quitting it all, but you guys still supported me and gave me something to lean on... thanks! *wink wink* You all know who you are!

I worked hard on this page, I scanned the pictures, I recorded the sounds, I came up with the ideas... so if you even think about borrowing my stuff you better e-mail me FIRST!!!!! I am not assciated with Disneyland or Lemar Productions. So ya see, I'm not so bad after all am I? :)

A Proud Member of