FILMOGRAPHY: "Misfits of Science" (1985) TV Series .... Gloria Dinallo Misfits of Science - TV (1985) .... Gloria Dinallo Masters of the Universe (1987) .... Julie Winston If It's Tuesday, It Still Must Be Belgium - TV (1987) .... Hana Wyshocki Down Twisted (1987) .... Tarah "Family Ties" (1982) TV Series .... Lauren Miller (1987-1989) I'll Be Home for Christmas - TV (1988) Cocoon: The Return (1988) .... Sara Till We Meet Again - TV (1989) .... Freddy Roxanne: The Prize Pulitzer - TV (1989) .... Jacquie Kimberly Curiosity Kills - TV (1990).... Gwen Mr. Destiny (1990) .... Jewel Jagger Shaking the Tree (1990) .... Kathleen Blue Desert (1991) .... Lisa Roberts Battling for Baby - TV (1992) .... Katherine Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them, The (1992) .... Carrie Davenport "Trouble with Larry, The" (1993) TV Series .... Gabriella Easden "Friends" (1994/I) TV Series .... Monica Geller Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994) .... Melissa Robinson Sketch Artist II: Hands That See - TV (1995) .... Emmy OConnor Scream (1996) .... Gale Weathers Scream 2 (1997) .... Gale Weathers Commandments (1997) .... Rachel Luce Alien Love Triangle (1998)