I Think Not!!!!

Here are our theories on Kevin and Fatima

As you have read before in this site, I *Safiya*(and Danielle) think that Kevin and Fatima are a little more than "just friends". I started saying this as a joke but now...I have proof to back up my claims!! They are in no particular order. I write 'em as I remember 'em. Here they are:

1) The All Access Video- For those of you that have seen this, you notice that during the making of "Everybody" when they start talking about Fatima, Kevin is the first one to say something about her. When she starts talking about them, she talks about him first. I know this doesn't sound that convincing but there's more. Read on.

2)Was Kevin and Fatima giving each other signals in the mirror when she laughed? Hmmmm…

3)Kevin says "She does a good job at making us look good." What he’s really think is "She does a good job at making me feel good."

4)Why couldn’t Fatima look ahead when they were practicing the dance for "Everybody"? Observe; she looks in the direction of Kevin.

5)During the making of "As Long As You Love Me" when Kevin, Fatima, Brian and Nick were like "1, 2, 3", what were her hands doing behind Kevin?

6)In the "We’ve Got it Goin’ On" video, who was that girl on the back of Kevin’s motorcycle? Was it Fatima? Yeah I think so! I mean who else would it be???

7) Three Days in the Life of the Backstreet Boys- If you get MTV you've probably seen this. MTV was showing the guys prepare for their performance at the MTV Music Video Awards. Well anyways Fatima was talking about how the guys and the dancers are all bumping into each other and stuff but then she get specific when talking about Kevin. Why??? Hmmm...

8) While me and Danielle were watching "Three Days in the Life of the Backstreet Boys" on my bootlegged tape, Danielle noticed that Fatima was the one practicing that move when the girls are sticking their butts at the guys with Kevin. This leads us to believe that it WAS Fatima’s ass Kevin so lovingly placed his hands on during the performance. We COULD be wrong but with these sightings…I think not! The other guys were practicing with dancers but Kevin was practicing with Fatima. Why? Why couldn’t he just dance with another dancer? Why Fatima? Hmmmm…

9) The MTV Awards- When BSB was giving their acceptance speech they thanked everyone who helped them with the "Everybody" video. I wouldn't have made such a big deal about this if Kevin hadn't been the one to thank Fatima!! He said "...and to our great correographer, Fatima Robinson- in the house." I bet you he was thinking "...in my pants!"

10) Performance at MTV Awards- Was that Fatima's ass Kevin planted his hands on during the performance of "Everybody"?

11) Moods- Sometimes it seems like Kevin looks really tired and sometimes he's very happy. Fatima, let the boy get some rest sometimes! Whatever you're doing seems to be making my turtle quite happy.

12) Total Request Live- Was it just me or did Kevin have a hicky on his neck?

13) Yahoo!- In Kevin's chat transcript why did he say that his favorite song right now was "that new song by Aaliyah because the video's hot." I wonder if he said this. Maybe because Fatima was in the video? Hmmm...could be!

14) Backstreet TV- Why did Kevin stop in mid-sentence when he said "We gotta get…" when he was criticizing AJ and Brian teaching those girls the "Everybody" dance? If you are wondering Howie finished the sentence by saying "Yeah. We gotta get Fatima back in here." I bet Kevin was thinking "We gotta get freaky tonight." They were being to obvious lately.

You wanna know what REALLY got me believing that there's something going on in the back of the bus? Well I actually have a picture of the two of them together and looking very comfy I might add. On that same picture it said "Kevin cuddles up to the fabulous Fatim." Someday I'll try to get that picture on this site.

There's more but I can't remember all the clues right now so expect some more proof in the future. If you have anymore proof that I didn't include here just e-mail me at deco@erols.com



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