Here are our Fantacies/Dreams of Kevin!

*Note-These are just dreams and Fantacies.Don't take them seriously.Enjoy!!!

Dreams: *New dream Danielle had-

A couple of nights ago, I had a dream about the backstreetboys. It all started out when my family and I went out somewhere I really can't remember the exact place but we went out and when we reached there we all got seperated some how. So I was woundering around in this strange place until I walked in to this room and I saw a lot of people in this one room. As I looked at all the people I noticed the BSB were sitting around just chillin with some of there fans. Then I Saw Kevin. OH MY GOD!!!!! When I tell you he looked so fine he really did. Then I approached him but in this dream Kevin was a bit conceited (not that i'm saying that he is but you know I love this man). I went up to him and asked him if I could give him a hug and he rolled his eyes like as if he was to good to be doing this. Then when I hugged him Oh! his body was so firm. While I finished hugging him It felt like he wanted me to get off him and I noticed that he was trying to check his collar to see if I had smeered any lipstick on his shirt which was kinda rude . Then he left to go do something and I was left sitting next to A.J.(Oh he is so cute!) When I looked at A.J he looked good and all but there was something I always wanted to tell A.J which was to stop coloring his hair because he would lose it. He will get a receiding hair line but I didn't tell him because I saw parts of his hair was missing so I didn't even mention it. Me and A.J talked for a while and during this talk I noticed that I had my hand by A.J's Crocth but he didn't seem to mind. So after I talked to A.J, all of the BSB left and I didn't notice because of all the people. Then I went to look for them and I saw these girls with their autographs and forgot completely to get my own. so I ripped of a piece of paper from a bulliten board and found them. They were giving a concert but I ended up backstage and I saw Nick but then a whole mess of fans pushed their way through on stage and then I fell off stage and woke up.

~Danielle's Dream-

One night I dreamt that me and my best friend Safiya went to Times Square when the Backstreet Boys were on MTV. We wrere looking up at the window and we saw A.J showing us his chest.Then all of a sudden A.J fell out of the window and we caugth him.He told us thank you and asked us if he could ever repay us? I said "well let us spend a day with you guys".He said "all right". So thier body guard came and took us inside.When we were in the elevator,Safiya told me that she wanted Kevin.I wasn't about to fight her because I would put up a good fight but she would kick my ass!So I said all right you can have him. When we got inside Carson ran up to us and said"Oh my god A.J are you all right?I said "he's fine ok Carson Dam"!Kevin came up to me and said "Thank you for saving our friend and kissed me.(yeah baby!)So A.J. sat down and I saw he had a cut on his knee so I put a band aid on it for him and He said Thank you!When I looked up I saw Safiya and Kevin Talking.It was like Love at first site for them. Then we left Times square in there Van and ended up in at a carnival.Safiya and Kevin were all happy and kissing.I was mad!Everytime I tried to talk to here she wouldn't listen to me.So they went on the Farice Wheel and A.J asked me if I wanted to go on it with him?I said "all right"in a not happy tone.Then they took us home and when we got there A.J came out the car with me and told me "Danielle you don't know how much I'm looking for a girl like you."I wasn't really paying attention though but then he kissed me and whispered"In the next five years(That was wierd because he's 20 and I am 15 right now)Then A.J and Brian had to drag Kevin off of Safiya cause they wouldn't let go of each other.I was so mad at her.When they finally had let go of each other Safiya Said:" Bye Danielle"But I didn't answer her because I was still mad. That was the end of the dream. (*Note that A.J is my second Favorite and I want to say sorry for not paying attention to him in my dream.I Blam it all on Safiya If she would have let me have Kevin there woudn't have been a problem.)

Finish the Fantacy:
You and Kevin are married and you really feel like making love to him but he has to get back to work. To keep him home you....
You and Kevin sitting on a bear skinned rug by the fire place looking deep into each others eyes. Kevin is showing signs that he wants to do it but doesn't want to take the first move you...
You and Kevin are stranded on a Island. Kevin kisses you and.....
You and Kevin are alone in a room together.You have an earge to make love to him.You then.......
You and Kevin are at a base ball game.You both have the earge to rip each others clothes off so you suggest....
We will have more Dreams/Fantacies for you.If you want to finsh these fantacies email me and I will be glad to put it up on our site.


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