Welcome to Mr. Body Beautiful's Website!

Last updated on:9/1/99

God! Isn't he just the most perfect man. He makes you just want to make love to him. He's so sexy!!!!

HiHi! This is Danielle and Safiya! Obviously we LOVE (not in the literal sense but you know) Kevin Richardson from the Backstreet Boys. We are just starting on our webpage so please bear with us. We will have many things on this site for your enjoyment. So please come back and check out what we have in store for you. This site will always be under construction. If you can help us with our site or you see any mistakes email us at deco@erols.com or TweetyDK@webtv.net. In the mean time please sign our guestbook. Thanks :0)

Here are all the things you need to know about this gorgous man.

Most of you seem to think that he doesn't have a girlfriend, right? Wrong! He does! Wanna know who? It's Fatima Robinson, their correographer. We have proof! Don't you notice how Kevin is always mentioning Fatima first and she's always mentioning him first? You can disagree with us if you want to but we seriously think Kevin and Fatima are a little more than "just friends". So anytime you see Kevin tired or smiling, you know exactly what they were doing that night! And it ain't dancing people! Oh if you still don't believe us just read Teen magazine. In the interview Kevin says he has a girlfriend. He also said that he has known this girl for seven years! Now wait a minute Kevin doesn't have the time to speak to any other girl with his busy schedule,see that's where Fatima comes in. He has known her for seven years so with all our evidence it all makes sense. Believe us if you want to but we know what we are talking about.

Here are some things to know about Kevin:



Kevin Quotes!-Updated!

Fantasy/Dream Island-Updated!

Just Friends???

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