Robin's 5iVe Experience

Hi! My name is Robin, and this is my 5ive web page. Thanx soo much for visiting, this page is mainly about the wonderful day that I met 5ive.

I scanned all of the pix that are on this site! These are my 2 favorite pictures! Aren't they great?? I think so!! Please ask for my permission first if you want to use any of my pix!!

*This small picture below is the picture that Sean, J, Scott, Abs and Ritchie signed when I met them on December 9, 1998. The picture is a link and if you click on it you can see the larger, clearer version of it.*

*The pictures below were also signed by Ritchie, Scott, Sean, J and Abs. They are my friend Kristin's pictures.

*More Pix*

I want to thank Z104 soooo much for giving me and my friends the opportuntiy to meet and see Five perform live!

This is Matthew Blades autograph, he is one of the DJ's from Z104, click on the picture to see Z104's web page.

~~Please sign my guestbook before you leave!

Tell me what you think of my page!~~

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*My BaNNeR*

**Scott's DreamLand**

If you have any comments or suggestions about my web page e-mail me or sign my guestbook!!

My e-mail address is:

**This page was last updated on June 28, 1999**