<BGSOUND SRC="/reaper351/ew_windy_over.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>



    You have reached the Ramos home page.  This page was last updated: 04-10-2009.  If you have any pics   or figures of Reapers or Wraiths, feel free to email me, I collect both.
     If you are looking for The Book page or R.A.M. - I.T.!, click on the R. A. M. Logo or you can just go to:
www.geocities.com/reaper351/ram/products.html   Remember The Book is for law enforcement/military only!
My Instant messenger names are:  Reaper3510 and LapReaper1  Email: Reeper351@Prodigy.net or
[ Yahoo! ] options
    Check out the the issue of The Tactical Edge (Winter 2004 Volume 22 #1).  It has an article written by myself on The Forgotten SWAT Essential.
Singleton International offers some of the best tactical training there is and his machine gun classes are the best, bar none.  When contacting Phil, tell him "Meat" Ramos sent you.
  Here is a pic of EQ and myself(I'm the one in sneakers!) from the front page of The Hammond Times.  We were on a manhunt for a suspect. I was off that day and just happened to stop in at the department when the call came in.  Click on the pic for a link to the article.
Tell the owner Cullen "Dave" Honeycutt that Romper sent you and that you found him through this web page.  Dave has extensive knowledge in firearms and offers a full range of weapons, accessories and gunsmithing at his shop.
Chris Rock's "How not to get your ass kicked by the police" video.
Picture Page
The Book Link
SWAT Ramos Assault Dynamic Entry CQB CQC Room Domination High Risk Clearing
John C Ramos Jr  Hallway Domination Team Tactics Team Stragegies  warrant entries RAM IT