The early historical records and genealogical data of the
CAMPBELL family of Fredonia and Fairview
Together with related families SHAW, BOWMAN, ORR, CUBBISON, & ROBB

Your host: B. C. Keene    (a Campbell descendant.)
Revised October 2002
Updated December 2003

This site includes the following:


The following chart shows 6 generations of the Campbell line from the 1700's to the present.


The following chart shows the Shaw and Orr lines as they relate to the Campbell line.


The following chart shows the Cubbison line, as it relates to the Campbell line.
(Mary Campbell 1804-1891 married Joseph Cubbison)
The data for this chart was furnished by researcher John G Slater (
(He also has detailed data on the Slater, Knapp, and Eckles families of Mercer County.)


The ROBB connection to the Campbell line has been investigated by April Robb (
Data relating to the descendants of Charlotte Campbell and James Robb has been posted by her at the
April Robb Genealogy Page (Also see the Will Abstract shown below.)


Abstract of Mercer Co Will Book 1

CAMPBELL, Josiah of Coolspring Twp. WB-1 p. 14-15. Writ 6 Nov 1808 Prob 4 Mar 1809. Heirs: wife Ruth half of land on which I now live; dau Ruth and son Josias. Son Joseph remaining half of land. 300 pounds being part of the price of land sold by me in Westmoreland Co. Also 200 Acres of land situated in the 5th Donation District numbered in the general plan #952. Daus- Mary Ann Robb, Margaret Gibion, Jean Myers, Elizabeth Rambo, and Charlotte Robb. sons in law James Robb and John Myers. Exrs. Son Joseph and sons in law Thomas Rambo and Hamilton Robb. /S/ and witn. by J. Findley and Jacob Smith.


From the Mercer County Courthouse. Made on March 23 1858

In the name of God Amen. I Joseph Campbell of Fairview Township Mercer County and State of Pennsylvania being in good health of body and and of sound and disposing mind and memory (Praised be God for the same) and being desirous to settle my wordly affairs whilst I have strength and capacity to do so do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore and first and principally I commit my soul into the hands of the creator who gave it and my body to the earth to be interred at the discretion of my executors herein after named and as such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to entrust me I dispose of the same as follows:

I devise and bequeath to my wife Elisabeth Campbell a comfortable and ample living upon all the property that I now own (If she should survive me.)

I give and bequeath to Mary Cubbison five dollars in money.

I give and bequeath to my son Josias Campbell the south half of lot of land No.952 in the fifth district for which I give him a deed of conveyance.

Since the death of my son Samuel I alter this part of my former will and divise and bequeath to his two sons the north half of the aforesaid lot of land No. 952. I direct that a line be run north and south dividing it east and west and the west half to belong to Samuel Dodds Campbell and the east half to belong to Millard Filmore Campbell sons of the late Samuel Campbell Dec'd and that his wife Mary Anne have a living upon the aforesaid property as long as she remains a widow. And further I direct that the aforesaid sons of Samuel Campbell dec'd pay to Sarah Elizabeth Campbell the sum of twenty dollars each.

I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Campbell the tract of land that I now live on being one hundred acres in the fourth District.

I give and bequeath to my Daughters Ruth and Nancy Campbell Campbell all my personal property that remains after my just debts are paid and all the money that I may have at my death and all bonds and judgements that may be due me. I also order and direct that so long as they or either of them remain unmarried they or she shall have a support from the products of the farm I now live on.

And lastly I anominate constitute and appoint my sons Josias and Joseph Campbell to be the sole executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty third day of March eighteen hundred and fifty eight.

Joseph Campbell (Seal)

Signed Sealed and declared by the said testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and by his request have suscribed our names as witnesses.
John Miller
Elias Orr
James Miller

The following entries were found in the old family bible of the Joseph Campbell (Sr.) family of Fairview, Mercer County, Pa. The bible was published in 1834. In it were recorded in flowing handwriting the family records of Joseph, his wife Elizabeth, and their 6 children.
*Joseph Campbell, Sr.
sp. Elizabeth
June 6, 1774
Feb 5, 1777
June 15, 1868
Nov. 13, 1861
(The Children):
Mary Campbell March 4, 1804 (to Joseph Cubbison) May 13, 1891 87
Ruth Campbell August 6, 1806 Sept. 7, 1893 87
Josias Campbell
sp. Francis Maria Coulson
March 8, 1809 Sept 29, 1846 1891 82
Nancy Campbell August 1, 1811 July 17, 1898 86
Samuel Campbell Oct. 10, 1814 March 10, 1858 43
Joseph Campbell Jr.
sp. Eliza Ann Bowman
August 1, 1817 Dec. 10, 1840 Jan. 19,1900
April 16, 1904

* The following obituary was found pasted into the bible in the deaths column:

AN OLD CITIZEN GONE.---Joseph Campbell, Sr, of Fairview, this county, died at his residence on the 15th of June, 1868, in the 95th year of his age. The deceased came to Mercer county in 1806, settling on the farm where he died, and was one of the oldest citizens of our county. He came here when the site of Mercer was a wilderness and our county was one immense forest, but he lived to see it one of the most fertile and prosperous in the state. He raised an honest, intelligent and upright family, most of whom live in Fairview.

The following entries were found recorded on loose sheets of paper stored inside the bible. They record information about the 11 children of Joseph Campbell (Jr.) and Eliza Ann Bowman:
Samuel B Campbell
Killed in civil war.
Dec 1, 1841 Nov 14, 1862 20
Joseph E Campbell
Killed in civil war.
Oct 4, 1843April 28, 186319
Nancy E Campbell
sp. Richard S Moore
Jan 30, 1846 Oct 16, 1873 July 8, 1898 52
Luther R Campbell
Mary H Knapp
March 13, 1848 Feb 28 1876 April 24, 1906 58
Josias Reed Campbell June 24, 1850 May 9, 1863 12
George W Campbell Dec 22,1852 March 24, 1853 Inf
John W McCune Campbell Jan 27, 1854 Feb 22, 1854 Inf
Sarah Jane Campbell Feb 19, 1855 Nov 24, 1942 87
William Rowland Campbell
sp. Ida Caroline Shaw
Sep 22, 1859
Feb 14, 1889 July 18,1945
Elmer Ellsworth Campbell March 5, 1862 Oct 8, 1948 86
Minnie Ruth Campbell
sp. Frank E Johnston
Nov 11, 1866 May 5, 1949 82

NOTES: (Refer to Campbell Chart)

Note 1: Two sons of Samuel Campbell are Samuel Dodds Campbell, and Millard Fillmore Campbell. They are listed in the will of their grandfather Joseph Campbell, Sr. (shown above)

Note 2: A daughter of Josias and Frances was Amanda Campbell (1847-1898), who married Abner Rice (1849-1919). Data on the Rice descendants is available from William Wagner (

For information on the Coulson Family check the "Coulson Family Tree" website which is available as a link from the Mercer County GenWeb site. Look for Amanda in the Eighth Generation, Part 2.

Note 3: The Reinhart Family is being researched by Suzy (Reinhart) McNall (


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